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Hangs at startup

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    Hangs at startup

    Upgrade went without error but now the system hangs at startup.
    PCMCIA services fail to start but the system continues to boot. The last thing displayed on screen when the system stops is:
    * Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)

    Any ideas on what I need to do to solve this?

    Thanks in advance

    Re: Hangs at startup

    Some more info.
    I started in rescue mode and tried startx
    And got errors relating to "kdb" and "mouse" modules failing to load.
    I then tried running dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg when I was done I tried starting Xorg again, same errors.


      Re: Hangs at startup

      It might help us to help you if we had the EXACT WORDING of the error messages that you got when you typed "startx". Also, while you're in rescue mode, you could look at the file /var/log/Xorg.0.log and post ONLY the lines that start (EE). Those are the errors (and I guarantee you that no one is going to go through the whole file looking for them except you).


        Re: Hangs at startup

        I'm watching this post also. I was upgrading from Breezy to Dapper and now mine hangs at the same point (/etc/rc.local). I can F2 into command line but "startx" gets me "failed to load nvidia (module does not exist)"
        no drivers available
        Fatal server error
        no screens found
        XIO: fatal error 104 (connection reste by peer)

        I knew I was pushing my linux luck, I really liked my Breezy, just got greedy I guess.


          Re: Hangs at startup

          Originally posted by egg_just_egg
          I'm watching this post also. I was upgrading from Breezy to Dapper and now mine hangs at the same point (/etc/rc.local). I can F2 into command line but "startx" gets me "failed to load nvidia (module does not exist)"
          no drivers available
          Fatal server error
          no screens found
          XIO: fatal error 104 (connection reste by peer)
          it's not about rc.local (by default it does nothing), that's just the last message given before trying to start the X-server (which fails)

          By looking at the error message it looks like there is a problem with your nvidia-drivers (which you may need to reinstall).

          Did you use nvidia drivers from the repositories or did you get them from nvidia?

          Anyway, you can try to start x with the open 'nv' it's 'easier' to troubleshoot your nvidia problems.

          to try with 'nv' xorg.conf
          sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf
          Under your graphic card section, find the line:
          driver "nvidia" (or something like it...I don't use nvidia myself :P)
          and change it to:
          driver "nv"
          save (with Ctrl+x and [y]es)


            Re: Hangs at startup

            Many thanks Kubicle!
            I wrestled with nvidia drivers for awhile and finally after combing some other threads (some were your comments as well) ran "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" which seemed to reset something. When I just entered "nv" in xorg.conf earlier nothing seemed to happen.
            Now to start playing in Dapper to see what fun I can have next.


              Re: Hangs at startup

              Originally posted by aussiedude
              Upgrade went without error but now the system hangs at startup.
              PCMCIA services fail to start but the system continues to boot. The last thing displayed on screen when the system stops is:
              * Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)

              Any ideas on what I need to do to solve this?

              Thanks in advance
              Hey guys, I've been having the exact same problem as aussiedude. My computer also freezes at startup while saying 'Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)' .

              How do I revert back to breezy without loosing all my settings and files?



                Re: Hangs at startup

                @dewaldabrie: Read the whole thread. Your answer is in here.

