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New kernel won't boot after upgrade

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    New kernel won't boot after upgrade

    I'm in the process of upgrading to Dapper from Breezy. Oh, what fun I've had.

    Following the instructions on this page got me at least some of the way there. However, it obviously didn't work properly as there were no new kernels listed in the GRUB menu on restart; X wouldn't start (nvidia drivers weren't working, possibly because they had been upgraded - changed back to "nv"); and KDE had completely disappeared (no kidding!). I'm not going to guess at what I'm going to find is missing later on. I'm glad I installed fluxbox the other week, that's for sure.

    A few apt-get dist-upgrades and many times in and out of Adept/Synaptic, I think most of the software that should be there is (including KDE). However, the new 2.6.15 kernel refuses to load.

    At first, it stopped at the ICE-whatever stage - on one of the terminals I found some error message (garbled) saying something about not finding any modules. Luckily I could still boot into the old kernel; I tried uninstalling and reinstalling the linux-image-2.6.15-23-k7 package.

    A reboot got me as far as "Loading hardware drivers" or somesuch before it crashed out with "/sbin/modprobe: abnormal exit". No further response other than to the reset button.

    I'm not overly concerned about things that no longer work under the old kernel (ALSA now can't find any sound cards, and the nVidia drivers are their usual irritating selves), as I suspect this is due to the partial upgrading of things. I'd really like to get Dapper working properly. I'm sure it's not normally this complicated! Can anyone suggest where things have gone belly-up in my case?

    Re: New kernel won't boot after upgrade

    No, scratch that last edit - I made the mistake of rebooting. The only way I can get anywhere now is to start booting into recovery mode, then allowing it to continue into a full boot. So, I've gone from a fully working and stable Breezy to a Dapper that won't boot - please help!


      Re: New kernel won't boot after upgrade

      sounds like some bad troubles I'm having problems just installing, I'm about to just install 5.10 instead.


        Re: New kernel won't boot after upgrade

        That's the irritating thing! Breezy was the smoothest OS install I've had (Windows and Linux both). I'm sure a fresh install of Dapper would be just as smooth for me. But the upgrade seems to completely muck everything up, so I have a barely-functional computer.


          Re: New kernel won't boot after upgrade

          Regretably, you are not alone. I tried to upgrade from Breezy to Dapper in the same manner that I had upgraded from Hoary to Breezy,namely change the repos and do an apt-get dist-upgrade. After a 25 minute download (at about 300 KB/sec) and another half hour of installing the downloaded packages. I rebooted and wound up in a console. There was no way to get X back. "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" ran properly (It uses ncurses instead of x), but to no avail. Hand editing xorg.conf to look like the one that had worked two hours earlier in Breezy didn't work either. Searching this site caused me to suspect that there may be a problem between the version of Dexconf that gets downloaded and Radeon display procesors, so I filed a bug reprt on Malone.

          In the end, I downloaded the "desktop CD" iso (2.5 hours at 70 KB/sec) backed up my /home tree, and installed from scratch. Not only did almost everything work after a couple of hours of fiddling, but (in contrast to all the earlier bug reports), it didn't touch the windoze partition! So it ended happily after another day in my life I'm never gonna get back.

