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kubuntu hangs at second progression bar on my laptop

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    kubuntu hangs at second progression bar on my laptop

    Dear Ones
    I liked kubuntu for its good hardware support on other machines so I wanted to put it onto my new Fujitsu-Siemens Amilo 1667G. Knoppix and Gentoo f.ex. are reported to work on it, so it shouldn't be much of a problem. I got 6.06 RC1 and did a flawless text mode installation. When it comes to boot, everything seems ok, I have that graphical screen and the progression bar completes. Then I get another empty progression bar and nothing happens. Some few times after a long wait Restarting system log - ok appeared, once, twice ...
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    Re: kubuntu hangs at second progression bar on my laptop

    this is the same issue i had during current kubuntu testing on a laptop. what caused it for me was a bad xorg.conf file. what fixed the problem for me so i could boot normally and then fix my resolutions to my liking was this.

    hit escape at grub and boot up safe...once in issue the following command:

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

    this will reset you x server
    Richard Johnson (nixternal)<br />Core Developer :: MOTU :: MOTU Council :: Community Council<br /><br />


      Re: kubuntu hangs at second progression bar on my laptop

      thanks for that, I did so, following the autodedection which looks like working, ATI X700 is recognized. However applying startx afterwards I always get "Fatal server error: no screens found".


        Re: kubuntu hangs at second progression bar on my laptop

        Could you post your xorg.conf file, just to see there isn't something odd in there


          Re: kubuntu hangs at second progression bar on my laptop

          had the same issue :

          sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg didn't work for me neither

          sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg solved my problem

          hope that may help you


            Re: kubuntu hangs at second progression bar on my laptop

            many thanks for all those hints and suggestions. Finally only installation of xorg-fglrx-driver 8.25.18 solved it for me. I like kubuntu now warmheartedly - the first distro to work with my laptop (gentoo would too).

