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File Systems - Partitioning

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    File Systems - Partitioning

    i recently installed from flight 7 and am very happy with it so far. during installation i manually partitioned my HD but qtParted did not give me the option to select reiserfs so i just went with ext3. however, when i went to the next step (i believe it is setting the mount points) it told me it was going to format '/' as reiserfs. that was fine with me because that's what i had wanted in the first place. however, i'm not sure why that happened and it seems a bit confusing. anyone else experience this?

    Re: File Systems - Partitioning

    See my reply here for a workaround for the lack of a Reiserfs option:


      Re: File Systems - Partitioning

      i don't think you read my post closely. i ended up with reiserfs but it was strange how i got there. it wasn't an option during qtParted but was the selected file system when i was at the set mount points part of the install.
      maybe i'm not explaining it well.


        Re: File Systems - Partitioning

        I read it, but my install problem was a little different but related; no Reiserfs option. So at that point, I didn't continue and used fdisk.


          Re: File Systems - Partitioning

          all i meant was that it ended up that i did not need a workaround. thanks anway.

          edit: realized that someone other than ME might read this thread and benefit from your info so it's good to have here even if i didn't need it.
          i might add that for any users that are nervous about using fdisk, give the gparted livecd a shot. it has worked very well for me.


            Re: File Systems - Partitioning

            I just relaized that my installed Kubuntu Flight 7 also has cfdisk, but I haven't checked if that's available on the LiveCD. If so, then that's another option too. It has to be as root (use sudo), but offers a friendlier interface than fdisk

