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dist-upgrade from breezy to Dapper Fl 7.

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    dist-upgrade from breezy to Dapper Fl 7.

    Good morning! (its morning in sweden :P )
    If I do a dist-upgrade from breezy to Dapper, what will happen to all my programs?
    Will they upgrade to Dapper or do I have to remove them first and then install the dapper "relatives".

    And at last, is it better too do a clean install? (though i really dont wanna do that due to all my installed programs and videos)

    Re: dist-upgrade from breezy to Dapper Fl 7.


    In fact, it should upgrade all upgradable packages (so programs) to dapper's, just be sure to save any important staff before to do it... who knows ? Dapper is still in beta.



      Re: dist-upgrade from breezy to Dapper Fl 7.

      I upgraded from Breezy to Dapper (I believe it was Flight 6) back in April. I was so looking forward to the final release of Dapper in April and then discovered that it was delayed until June ... but I just couldn't wait. So I bit the bullet and did the upgrade. Very few problems that couldn't easily be fixed. And all the programs upgraded just fine with a few exceptions, mostly programs that I had compiled or installed separately (Mplayer comes to mind).

      But I will say that a clean install would probably be much nicer. I started using (K)Ubuntu back in June of '05 when it was Hoary. I did an Ubuntu install and then installed the KDE desktop via apt-get. Since then, I've done upgrades via apt-get update/upgrade from Hoary --> Breezy --> Dapper. While this has been all well and good and it's worked reasonably well, I have ended up with quite the MESSY start menu. I know I can manually clean it up and even get rid of unwanted programs with apt-get remove but a much cleaner solution would be to start over from scratch with a reinstall.

      That said though, I am hesitant since it's still a lot of work to reinstall the programs that don't come with the standard install and then do all the tweaking to things (like fonts?) to make everything look and work the way I want .... Of course, (K)Ubuntu has come a long way in the past year and maybe a fresh install wouldn't be so bad now and tweaking would be a minor issue.

      Sorry for the long reply but that's MHO.


        Re: dist-upgrade from breezy to Dapper Fl 7.

        Thanks for the fast and long replies. Well I did a dist-upgrade and all went well.


          Re: dist-upgrade from breezy to Dapper Fl 7.

          Running dapper flight 7 plus numerous updates for the last week. Very pleased.

          When the final version of dapper is out, I assume we will just select "full upgrade " in adept, and that we will only need to download a CD of it for reinstall purposes. Is that right?



            Re: dist-upgrade from breezy to Dapper Fl 7.


            I don't get why you want to download the cd then.
            Anyway, by doing full upgrade, you will be on latest point of dapper, so stable version
            And if I understood well, you will be able to download a cd in case you would like once to reinstall completely...


