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Xorg fails to initialize after install of Kubuntu 6.06 LTS(Dapper Drake)Flight 7

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    Xorg fails to initialize after install of Kubuntu 6.06 LTS(Dapper Drake)Flight 7

    I just installed Kubuntu 6.06 LTS(Dapper Drake)Flight 7 on my Acer Ferarri 4005 laptop and the install process went very smooth until it started up the XServer and I got a blank screen. This was the same error I got with breezy install and I had to follow direction in this doc

    to add the following to my xorg.conf to get the X Server to come up

    Option "CRT2Position" "clone"
    Option "MonitorLayout" "LVDS,CRT"

    Is this bug going to be fixed ? It seem like there are issues with the ATI card detection as well since 3D is not enabled and the I had to play around with display settings to go to a higher resolution.

    Is there a workaround for this issue ?

    Everything else worked great. For the first time on a linux os I could get suspend and hibernate working correctly on my acer laptop. This release ROCKS!!!!!!!
