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Kubuntu 6.06 with Unbuntu 6.06

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    Kubuntu 6.06 with Unbuntu 6.06

    I am new to Linux. I tried alot of different ones, some I paid for some for free. I have Ubuntu 6.06 installed on two computers and I have to say it looks and works Perfectly. I have a dual boot system with Windows now. Once I figure out a way to replace RoboForm, I plan on going to Ubuntu totally.

    Can you install Kubuntu and Ubuntu on the same computer? Sorry, I very new at this, but look forwarded to the day I can pitch windows completely.

    Re: Kubuntu 6.06 with Unbuntu 6.06

    Hello Manizales, and welcome,

    Yes, it is perfectly safe. They are actually the same thing except Ubuntu uses the gnome desktop and Kubuntu uses KDE. So, if you already have Ubuntu working, all you need to do is add the kubuntu d/top. Easiest way -

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop

    Either that or add it using Synaptic, which is easy as well.


    I wish I was the man my dog thinks I am.<br /><br />Registered Linux User No. 402825


      Re: Kubuntu 6.06 with Unbuntu 6.06

      Hi there !

      I've Kubuntu already can I install G desktop as well, and how do I switch between them ?
      Do you Yahoo ? No I hiccup only :P


        Re: Kubuntu 6.06 with Unbuntu 6.06

        Hi, lotech,

        Yes, just install ubuntu-desktop instead of kubuntu-desktop as above.

        To switch between them, Logout of kde

        K Menu>Logout>End Current Session

        When it restarts at Kubuntu Login Screen, select Menu>Session Type
        and select whichever desktop you want. Type password, enter and you are away.


        I wish I was the man my dog thinks I am.<br /><br />Registered Linux User No. 402825


          Re: Kubuntu 6.06 with Unbuntu 6.06

          There is no gnome-desktop or kde-desktop package.

          The proper names for these are ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop.

          It's also a good idea to use aptitude to install them instead of apt-get, Adept, or Synaptic Package Manager.

          To install Kubuntu on top of Ubuntu:
          sudo aptitude update
          sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop
          To install Ubuntu on top of Kubuntu:
          sudo aptitude update
          sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop
          Aptitude will remember what dependences came with the metapackage. Apt-get, Synaptic, and Adept will not. Basically, aptitude makes it easier to remove the new desktop environment later should you wish to remove it.
          Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu

