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BETA2 upgrade - no kdm?

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    BETA2 upgrade - no kdm?


    I have run the upgrade from a fairly vanilla Kubuntu Breezy to Dapper this morning which al appeared to go well. However whether I boot in Normal or Safe Mode after running the Graphical start-up Kubuntu drops to a test login.

    I have made sure that KDM is specified as my default-display-manager by running sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm and checked the file. I have also run a process described elsewhere in the forum to re-detect the graphics card and display - all to no avail.

    The graphics cards is an Nvidia FX5200. Can anybody help please?

    By the way .. I don't know if it's related but during the Graphical boot-up I notice a message stating that PCMCIA Services fail to start but this being a Compaq desktop I'm not sure if it's relevant.

    Thanks all.

    Problem Solved

    OK .. this is how I managed to resolve this.

    I realised that if I started Kubuntu in failsafe mode I could manually start KDE from the command line by running KDM.

    With KDM starting from the command live I then went into System Settings -> Display -> Hardware and logged into Administrator Mode.

    The Graphics card was detected correctly with the correct driver (Nvidia GEForce FX (Generic), Driver NV).

    The monitor however was set as unknown. I tried the Auto-detect button which selected "Plug n Play" but on running the "Test" this failed but returned no messages.

    I then manually selected my monitor, a Compaq FP7317 and tried the test again. This time test didn't return anything at all (??) but I took this to be good news.

    I logged out of my user and re-started X which started OK. I then logged out and powered my PC off and back on and selected the normal start-up from Grub and it KDM started perfectly.

    As a note of interest .. having set "mointor 1" manually it now has "monitor 2" set as plug n play .. interesting as I don't have a second monitor?!

    Hope this might help somebody else.

