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6.06 LTS Beta - lost partition info

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    6.06 LTS Beta - lost partition info


    same as

    Here's the case:
    IBM Thinkpad T42, 80GB HD, some OSes already installed.

    After starting the [install] procedure from the LiveCD, the installer crashed just before the partitioning screen (I was about to try to install on an USB disk, but never saw this screen) .
    It appears that there were some partitioning utils left running in the background and they just erased the partition table info. Pretty ugly.

    I've used the TestDisk utility from to restore the partition info.
    Last edited by Snowhog; Sep 08, 2019, 12:13 PM.

    Re 6.06 LTS Beta - lost partition info

    I had the exact same thing happen, using the AMD64 LiveCD.
    Last edited by Snowhog; Sep 08, 2019, 12:14 PM.
    Specs:  Intel Core 2 Quad Q6600 (@3Ghz), G.SKILL 4GB DDR2 1066, ASUS Striker II Formula MB, Asus EN9800GTX+ Dark Knight, ABS Tagan BZ800 PS, Antec 900 Case.


      Re 6.06 LTS Beta - lost partition info

      same completely *beeped* up my harddrive.
      big kudos to the devs >
      Last edited by Snowhog; Sep 08, 2019, 12:14 PM.


        Re 6.06 LTS Beta - lost partition info

        I have not used the live CD's before and thought I would have a look at Kubuntu Dapper (I am normally a Ubuntu user). As I had a free partition on a Windows machine I thought I would install Kubuntu on it from the install icon.

        After taking me through the initial language and keyboard settings a box appeared and disappeared too quickly too read, but I did see it referred to partitioning. Then, nothing else happened. After a few minutes of gradually increasing apprehension, I rebooted, only to find that the machine would not boot from the hard drive.

        Rebooting the live CD, I found that the hard drive was "free" - no partitions.

        Now seriously sweating, I chucked in a DOS floppy and fdisk also showed no partitions.

        That was yesterday. In the unlikely hope that I could find a solution, I replaced the hd and am now SO looking forward to the long slog of re-loading windows, updates and all the other software on a new drive (which I was going to do anyway - just in a more controlled manner!)

        Now I read that I am not alone and that there may even be a way to recover the partitions etc.

        However, as a non techie and inveterate fiddler, I have my doubts as to whether I could handle the cgsecurity software, but it looks like my best bet. Anyone been down that road before that could give an "old newbie" a pointer or two?

        Many thanks in anticipation.
        Simon Fraser.

        PS Is this something K/Ubuntu/Canonical might give paid help for?
        Last edited by Snowhog; Sep 08, 2019, 12:15 PM.


          Re 6.06 LTS Beta - lost partition info

          Last edited by Snowhog; Sep 08, 2019, 12:15 PM.


            Re 6.06 LTS Beta - lost partition info

            Thanks claydoh!
            It's amazing how a little panic numbs the brain...
            I've had a look at that page and I shall certainly try this as first resort. As the drive does not boot in its current state, presumably I can do all this from the Live CD? If not, I will add the drive as a slave on my working Ubuntu box.
            I should add that this will not put me off Kubuntu. As a long time Mandrake/KDE user, I changed to Ubuntu when I discovered 4.10 and have liked its clean, simple look.
            Previous versions of Kubuntu have seemed a bit fussy, but K-Dapper feels good, somehow. I may well put it as dual-boot on the Windows machine, which I still need for some old hardware, Bamzooki and other things such as other people's right to "Keep Things As They Always Were"
            If I manage to recover the data from this hard drive, it's working life will be over and I will be happy to try and reproduce the eventor something if the info would be useful. Alternatively, if anyone could use a 5-yr old Maxtor D540X-40 5400RPM, let me know...
            Simon Fraser
            Last edited by Snowhog; Sep 08, 2019, 12:16 PM.


              Re 6.06 LTS Beta - lost partition info

              Yes, you apply the patch while using the livecd, though you can use any livecd to do the repairs the hard drive. You won't need to move it a all.

              The patch just keeps the installer from hosing your partition table, it doesn't necessarily stop the installer gui from grashing.

              I did hear somewhere that there might be another beta cd with this fix available in the next few days, but the patch and fix seem to be quite simple to execute

              I am going to test this out as I also had this issue, but the installer still seemed to finish afterwards without any gui or user inputs.
              Last edited by Snowhog; Sep 08, 2019, 12:16 PM.


                Re 6.06 LTS Beta - lost partition info

                Well for me the installer still crashed, but it didn't seem to harm my partition tables. it just didn't go on and finish the install
                Last edited by Snowhog; Sep 08, 2019, 12:17 PM.


                  Re 6.06 LTS Beta - lost partition info

                  You shouldn't write in the installer
                  "This will install Kubuntu. We're not responsible for data loss"

                  I think that most suitable will be

                  "This won't install Kubuntu, it just will erase you hard drive. Use it only if you want to say goodbye to everything important" > > > >

                  I wont use the Kununtu installer until a stable version is released, because I don't want to waste my time recovering my pictures, clips and so on
                  Last edited by Snowhog; Sep 08, 2019, 12:17 PM.


                    Re 6.06 LTS Beta - lost partition info

                    Well you should try the non-live install cd. It *is* a beta after all, and if you did not back up your important stuff, well......

                    On the new Beta2 release the partition table loss has been fixed, but the installer still crashes for some (or many). It pops up a traceback window with the crash info and a link to the launchpad bug reporting sytem so it can be reported and therefore fixed.
                    Last edited by Snowhog; Sep 08, 2019, 12:18 PM.

