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Kubuntu Freezing at bootup screen

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    Kubuntu Freezing at bootup screen

    I recently installed Kubuntu Flight on my old Gateway Essental 933c. Prior to this install, I had Kubuntu 5.10 working fine (but wiuth many problems that left me urgent to upgrade). I had kept a large un-partioned area free for the sole reason of installing a second distro. The (rather long) install process went along without any errors. When It was finsihed, I selected the new Flight 6 from Grub. I got the new blue-ish Kubuntu logo, with the status indicater, which proceeded until it was full. All processes came up ok. Then. when it finished, all the text disappeard and left the Kubuntu logo with a empty status indicator. It wouldn't move at all. I can reboot with ctrl-alt-delete, but I can't get it to finish loading. IT is simply stuck. What can I do?

    Re: Kubuntu Freezing at bootup screen

    I have the same problem after I just installed Kubuntu Dapper 6.06 for AMD 64. Kubuntu is not freezing, it is just that the X server can not be started.
    You can still press Alt+F1 (or Alt+Ctrl+F1) to login in text mode and check the logs or change the configuration.
    I get the "No screens found" error, even though my xorg.conf looks fine. (ATI X800 SE here)

    I am currently looking for a solution to this.



      Re: Kubuntu Freezing at bootup screen

      Somewhere I found a link pointing to an Ubuntu Ati how-to thread which points to an "Ubuntu Dapper Installation Guide" for Ati cards.

      The guide describes two methods for setting up the Ati driver "fglrx" for newer cards in Ubuntu Dapper. I tried the first and easier method and it worked flawlessly with my fresh Kubuntu Dapper 6.06.
      (Btw. if you remove the "DRI" section from your xorg.conf only "root" will be able to use OpenGl / acceleration.)

      The only problem that I now have with Kubuntu is that it crashes on every shutdown, even when I select "Logout" in KDE. I thinks it is an fglrx bug but unfortunately I do not get any logs about the crash.

