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no kde, xserver installed...

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    no kde, xserver installed...

    i'm new to kubuntu so i apologize if thats already beeing answered and just give me a pointer to read....

    i just (tried) to install drapper drake. since this is a notebook
    without cdrom, i downloaded the installer from the hd-media directory
    as well as the drapper 6 iso image. after installation, i login in into the
    console, but nothing happens... no second stage installation for the graphical stuff...

    what am i doing wrong ?

    thx in advance

    Re: no kde, xserver installed...

    what is ur laptop config? do post it here...

    but by the thumb, why not try
    $sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
    followed by
    $sudo startx
    if it says XServer already up and running, then try a reboot...

    Truly the coolezzzt 8) 8) 8) 8)<br />The bloglines of an AngrY IndiaN


      Re: no kde, xserver installed...

      thx for your reply.

      sure i could do that, but package is missing whats next ?
      isn't there an easy way to start the second stage installer ?


      my laptop (panasonic r4) config is
      Pentium M ULV 1.2GHZ, 1GB Ram, 80GB HD, 1024x768, no cdrom


        Re: no kde, xserver installed...


        I'm not sure how to do it because I was never in a case like this.
        I think you should just type :
        sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
        and it will install all needed xorg files and kde...

        Hope it helped


          Re: no kde, xserver installed...

          Originally posted by sky

          I'm not sure how to do it because I was never in a case like this.
          I think you should just type :
          sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
          and it will install all needed xorg files and kde...

          Hope it helped
          Yes. This works. But apt-get will complain about kubunutu-docs not being configured, no matter how many times you attempt to install kubuntu-docs or kubuntu-desktop.


            Re: no kde, xserver installed...

            i think what sky says will probably work out in cider's lappy...
            Truly the coolezzzt 8) 8) 8) 8)<br />The bloglines of an AngrY IndiaN


              Re: no kde, xserver installed...

              thx for all your replys.

              in the meantime i found the "setup-task" in aptidude myself and as sky predicted, this
              installed all the necessary files.

              is this due to the alpha status of dapper ? is there any place to report that as bug ?
              i mean if i hadn't had so much good experiences with breezy in the short time i played/used it, i would have just wiped out my hd. this is not what linux newbies want to see or do...

              can't remebmer where, but i had the same problem as ralvy with the kubuntu-doc packages...

              yet another question... i installed the eclipse-cdt package which put about 200MB !!! on my hd.
              i.e. it installed jdt, mozilla, tomcat and a lot of other, (unneeded?) stuff. come on ! i just wanted the platfrom and the cdt plugin not the eclipse sdk! anyway i deciced to uninstall eclipse again, but it will only remove the eclipse and not the mozilla and tomcat etc... how can i enforce that all packages will be (recursiv) removed ? btw, i tried this with the adeptpackage-manager and used "remove" and "purge"

              thx again for your help.

              apology if anything above sounds rude... i didn't want to offend anyone in this great community here

