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KDE config crash in network settings..

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    KDE config crash in network settings..

    Okay, KDE is crashing on me when i try to configure eth1 (my wireless) in network settings. This is the drapper flight 6 LIVE CD with kde 3.5.2..... However, i don't know if this is a KDE issue, or a drapper issue? How would i know?

    Maybe someone around these parts could take a look at how i resolved it in the end, and tell me whats wrong or where a bug report needs to be made here etc.... there are 4 screenies below....

    Okay, so boot the live CD, all seems to be well....

    After booting, ifconfig -a looks like this: Screenshot 1

    Both wired eth0 and wireless eth1 are disabled in network settings, so i go into adminsitrator mode here. I can configue eth0 just fine here: Screenshot 2

    but if i try to configure eth1 in administrator mode i get the following crash: Screenshot 3

    So i then did a dhclient on eth1 in xterm, and all seems to be well.... no more crashing on config in network settings and internet working okay after this: Screenshot 4

    So what now? is this something which needs fixing?

    cheers guys!

    Re: KDE config crash in network settings..

    I'd say yes. it's something that should be fixed. Well behaved software should never segfault. Please report it to the Dapper developers on Malone. That's especially true if it worked in Flight 5.


      Re: KDE config crash in network settings..

      I am going through the exact same thing. However this is a fresh install of the latest version.

