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dist-upgrade Dapper Flight 6?

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    dist-upgrade Dapper Flight 6?

    I hope this is not a dumb question but: Can I dist-upgrade to Dapper Flight 6 by simply replacing my sources.list where it says 'breezy' with 'dapper' It's April and I was so looking forward to installing Dapper but now for the final version, I'll have to wait until June but I don't want to! I know, I might have to fight some bugs but I'm willing to take that chance.


    Re: dist-upgrade Dapper Flight 6?

    Originally posted by footer
    Can I dist-upgrade to Dapper Flight 6 by simply replacing my sources.list where it says 'breezy' with 'dapper'
    There's one other step. After you replace those breezy references, you need to use these two commands:
    sudo aptitude update
    sudo aptitude dist-upgrade
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: dist-upgrade Dapper Flight 6?

      Thanks aysiu. I think I'll 'take the plunge' this weekend.

      I primarily use apt-get vs. aptitude ... I'm assuming these are basically the same?

      Thanks again!


        Re: dist-upgrade Dapper Flight 6?

        Originally posted by footer
        Thanks aysiu. I think I'll 'take the plunge' this weekend.

        I primarily use apt-get vs. aptitude ... I'm assuming these are basically the same?

        Thanks again!

        Tried to dist-upgrade to Dapper from Breezy. Didn't work.


          Re: dist-upgrade Dapper Flight 6?

          Originally posted by ralvy
          Originally posted by footer
          Thanks aysiu. I think I'll 'take the plunge' this weekend.

          I primarily use apt-get vs. aptitude ... I'm assuming these are basically the same?

          Thanks again!

          Tried to dist-upgrade to Dapper from Breezy. Didn't work.
          did u replace every "breezy" with "dapper" in your sources.list?

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            Re: dist-upgrade Dapper Flight 6?

            Well, I haven't tried it yet (footer here) but I did try aptitude vs. apt-get and they do produce slightly different results. My breezy system is up-to-date as I do apt-get update/upgrade fairly often. This morning, I tried aptitude instead and it wanted to remove a couple of 'unused' packages. apt-get said nothing needed to be done.

            Hmmmm ... I wonder if anyone can explain that? I thought apt-get and aptitude were the same thing but apparently not?

            Hope to try a dist-upgrade to dapper this weekend. Sort of gunshy now hearing that ralvy was having problems ...


              Re: dist-upgrade Dapper Flight 6?

              Originally posted by -Cool dude Prav-
              Originally posted by ralvy
              Originally posted by footer
              Thanks aysiu. I think I'll 'take the plunge' this weekend.

              I primarily use apt-get vs. aptitude ... I'm assuming these are basically the same?

              Thanks again!

              Tried to dist-upgrade to Dapper from Breezy. Didn't work.
              did u replace every "breezy" with "dapper" in your sources.list?



                Re: dist-upgrade Dapper Flight 6?

                Footer: According to the Debian developers Aptitude is "more intelligent" than apt-get. That's why I use apt-get. I get an uneasy feeling about software that thinks it's smarter than I am, especially if it's right.

                Actually, the difference has to do with the way the two programs do dependency checking. Your's is exactly the kind of case, for which I prefer apt-get. I tend not to remove packages unneccesarily.


                  Re: dist-upgrade Dapper Flight 6?

                  I just finished sudo apt-get update/dist-upgrade from breezy to dapper (after updating my sources.list from breezy to dapper of course!). It worked quite flawlessly but did take a LONG time. I'm on DSL at 2.6mbps download speed but the download didn't take nearly as long as the install ... I wasn't watching it the whole time but I'd say the better part of three hours for the whole thing (maybe an hour or so of download time) ...

                  Anyway, just been playing with it for a few minutes now but no major problems thus far. Thunderbird and Firefox still work fine (my most used apps) so I'm a happy camper!

                  PS. Is it just me or are the fonts much sharper in dapper? I can't believe my eyesight is getting better.


                    Re: dist-upgrade Dapper Flight 6?

                    Yep I just did an upgrade from breezy to dapper by just doing a find and replacing all occurences the word breezy with dapper in the sources.list and running aptitude dist-upgrade. Worked like a charm.

