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Can't boot from CD? MBR problem?

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    Can't boot from CD? MBR problem?

    Decided I'd upgrade from Breezy and try the Dapper CD for a bit.

    First time I tried to boot from the install CD, it didn't boot from the CD and went straight to the Grub menu. I thought it might be something to do with already having Breezy installed, so I uninstalled the grub bootloader by booting with my Windows CD (which booted no problems) and running fixmbr from the repair console. My box now boots straight to Windows, but no matter what I do I can't get it to boot from the Dapper install CD I burned. It just ignores it and goes straight to Windows. Now I've set my BIOS right, because I can boot from a Windows CD, and I've burnt the ISO ok, because I can boot my laptop and a friends PC from it, but if I try and boot it on my desktop, it just goes straight to Windows. Does anyone know the cause of this?

    Re: Can't boot from CD? MBR problem?

    Most likely you have a "bad" burn. I know it sounds silly, but I have had similar problems in the past. An MBR issue would not prevent a bootable cd from loading up. it could be your cd might not like the bad spot whereas another machine is fine.

    I would suggest trying to burn the image again, but at a slightly lower speed, and to also verify the md5sum of the iso itself, as it could also be corrupted.
    md5sum's are found in the same place you downloaded the iso image from.

    You can find md5sum tools for windows in various freeware/shareware sites


      Re: Can't boot from CD? MBR problem?

      I'll try checking the checksums. This is the second burn I've tried, I did this one at 8x speed, and both have booted with no problems on two other machines.


        Re: Can't boot from CD? MBR problem?

        I'll try a different drive in the machine as well.


          Re: Can't boot from CD? MBR problem?

          are u sure u close the CD ?
          i had the same problem with a multisession CD


            Re: Can't boot from CD? MBR problem?

            To be honest, I have not yet gotten my flight 6 images to boot, using 2 different burners/4cd-rom drives total, across 2 systems, and multiple downloads. I can successfully boot the daily iso images, as well as older flights, and other distro images as well.

            There is some discussion about it on ubuntuforums, so personally I think there is a problem with the image, though it may not be affecting everyone

