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Known Espresso issues?

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    Known Espresso issues?

    I thought I'd make a new topic of this, since it's eh... a new topic. :P

    Since I can't get the dapper install CD to boot here, I'm currently downloading the live CD. I understand that the Espresso installer still has a lot of problems, so I was wondering if there was a list of known problems somewhere.

    Also, I'm installing on a computer which contains all my precious data, and I have to be sure that the partitioner won't format any partitions I tell it not to format (such as my windows partitions and my /home partition which I intend to keep using).

    Re: Known Espresso issues?

    I'd strongly suggest that you BACKUP your data before you begin. Remember, dapper is developmant software, if it breaks, you get to keep all the pieces (except for the ones it ate).


      Re: Known Espresso issues?

      Originally posted by askrieger
      I'd strongly suggest that you BACKUP your data before you begin. Remember, dapper is developmant software, if it breaks, you get to keep all the pieces (except for the ones it ate).
      My test from yesterday were not sucessfull at all, the Expresso crashed starting the partitioner and whiped my partition table (WITHOUT TELLING OR ASKING ME) so be really sure to backup your data , I didn't so it's a bad day for me >

      remember it's Beta Software


        Re: Known Espresso issues?

        youll see that this is a major thing


          Re: Known Espresso issues?

          Even for a beta, something like this should have never gotten out the door.

          I'd like to give Kubuntu a try, but their response time in fixing the Live CD (namely nothing being done as yet), gives me pause.


            Re: Known Espresso issues?

            yep that happened to me to.... it cleaned my MBR.

            i tried to install in a acer 3614.


              Re: Known Espresso issues?

              A fix is here:
              And they have placed a notice on the Beta's download page with a link to the patch

              Link to daily builds (which should be fixed, at least to not hose the partition tables)

              Betas are still, well, beta. What works fine on a lot of testing scenarios can still be broken for a lot of people when it gets out there

