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Jigdo'ing Ubuntu Dapper Flight 5 to daily Kubuntu

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    Jigdo'ing Ubuntu Dapper Flight 5 to daily Kubuntu

    To keep it simple; is it possible and feasible to be bothered by?

    Thanks in advance....

    Re: Jigdo'ing Ubuntu Dapper Flight 5 to daily Kubuntu

    Sorry but I don't get what you mean. Can you explain more please ?
    You want to install a Flight5 of Dapper and keep it up to daily upgrades ?
    if yes, no problem, just install, then :
    - remove commas before all lines starting by deb in /etc/apt/sources.list
    - add a comma in front of first line (about cd)
    - then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    And it should be ok...

    Hope it was the answer to the good question


      Re: Jigdo'ing Ubuntu Dapper Flight 5 to daily Kubuntu

      Thank you for your response and sorry for not being clear enough.

      What I am trying to do is updating the install .iso of Ubuntu Dapper Flight 5, to daily Kubuntu Dapper, by using Jigdo. The primary reason is of course keeping the download in a minimum level.

      As a matter of fact, I have started a few hours ago and jigdo-lite informed me that I already had 700+ packages and it needed to download 600+ packages (200-250 mb I presume)

      Because of not being familiar with jigdo or similarly rsync, I hesitated about jigdo converting Ubuntu ISO to Kubuntu ISO. So far,it is going flawless, but probably I can't tell before it finishes without errors.; in not less than ten hours. >

      As a side note, I usually do clean installs on different computers and try to tinker with them. That is why, apt-get dist-upgrade is not a good option regarding bandwidth issues. If everything goes as planned, a recent cd image is perfect for my needs. (despite the possible stability issues)

      Thanks again and forgive me for my lack of linguistic skills (see. not native English speaker) ...

      P.S. The .jigdo file that I used is located here .


        Re: Jigdo'ing Ubuntu Dapper Flight 5 to daily Kubuntu


        ok I understood
        So for answer, I think yes it's a good way to do, even if I never did like this...
        About the stability answer you're totally right... It's not really stable to keep on the daily jigdo (at least when you install from it) I had few troubles by the past.
        Anyway, there's another way to do, you can create a repository only for you which will get only the different package that you need on official one, and then all computers will come to take there package from this one...
        I don't know how exactly how to do it, but I think fast googling can give an answer. something like this for example :



          Re: Jigdo'ing Ubuntu Dapper Flight 5 to daily Kubuntu

          Originally posted by sky

          ok I understood
          So for answer, I think yes it's a good way to do, even if I never did like this...
          About the stability answer you're totally right... It's not really stable to keep on the daily jigdo (at least when you install from it) I had few troubles by the past.
          Anyway, there's another way to do, you can create a repository only for you which will get only the different package that you need on official one, and then all computers will come to take there package from this one...
          I don't know how exactly how to do it, but I think fast googling can give an answer. something like this for example :

          If all computers were on the same network, that would be the perfect choice but unfortunately they are not And about breaking things, that is what betas and keeping bleeding edge are for . As a matter of fact, I have never used (K)Ubuntu for stability reasons, pure Debian still performs better for me by staying less up-to-date.

          Anyway, thanks again for your response....

