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To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu :(

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    Re: To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu

    At the end of the day, note how much time / effort / stress is spent going the "upgrade" route, synaptic should not take "hours" installing apps, I upgraded / installed over 300 packages this route in under an hour??....

    Each to his own



      Re: To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu

      i did the upgrade thing....

      now getting issue with radeon driver or somthing. so now xorg is not loading....

      don't try it guys


        Re: To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu

        Hi there,
        I have the same problem and it is really annoying. I don't want to update and then spend days to get my old system back.
        Are there any other ideas how to update in a stable and not to time consuming manner? Or is there any hope that this bug gets fixed any time soon?

        The Synaptic approach sounded promising, but:
        Originally posted by vexeuz
        now getting issue with radeon driver or somthing. so now xorg is not loading....
        this doesn't. Any better experiences?



          Re: To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu

          I ran into exactly the same problem as the last two posters. Fortunately it was on a laptop with a Mobility Radeon video card that I used to use for business trips. Since I'm now retired that means I use it only as a test box. When I tried the upgrade, it totally mashed my xorg.conf file. After "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" failed twice, (I'm a slow learner.), I manually edited my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to get rid of all the wacom stuff and to change my display driver entry to "vesa". Still no joy.

          I finally wound up downloading the desktop CD and installing from that. Obviously, that wiped out everything on my linux partition. Before doing that on a machine with valuable and maybe irreplacable "stuff", I would backup everything that you don't want to lose to a removable hard drive, thumb drive, or CDROM before using the desktop installation CD.

          Going by old adage, since there are now three people with Radeon video cards having trouble, it's enemy action. I'm going to report this as a bug.


            Re: To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu

            Yeah, I just tried apt-get and it also wants to uninstall anything remotely related to KDE. I did upgrade my KDE to 3.5.1 using kubuntu's repo.

            The problem is that from the list of packages that apt-get wants to uninstall, it doesn't want to reinstall them. For example: kubuntu-desktop, kdelibs-bin, kdelibs4c2, hal, hotplug, xorg-common, etc... I don't know, but don't these packages seems important? And it doesn't want to install new version of these packages.....

            This brings me to another question: is it worthwhile to upgrade? How much better is dapper from breezy? My computer is Athlon XP 1800+ with a TNT2 video card, would it make any difference on my computer?

            I have attached a list of what apt-get wants to uninstall and install for you guys to take a look at.

            Thanks in advance for any comment.

            Attached Files


              Re: To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu

              I did the update and it crashed my x-server as well. So I ended up reinstalling from CD (after backing up importand stuff). Dapper makes a nice impression but it'll take some time to get the configs and apps back.


                Re: To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu

                I'm hoping the time and effort that I've put into Dapper so far will pay off. It's no more than a feeling, but Dapper seems snappier than Breezy. Programs SEEM to come up faster than before, but I have no actial proof that this is the case. It looks a bit nicer in general, but I HATE the new sign in screen and accompanying KDE bootsplash. Obviously this is a matter of taste and there will be plenty of people who love them.

