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To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu :(

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    To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu :(

    I am trying to update my Breezy installation to dapper drake but I has a serious problem.....

    Please take a look in the link below..

    I have already post my problem to but no one can help

    I am posting my sources.list too here.

    deb [url][/url] dapper main restricted
    deb-src [url][/url] dapper main restricted
    deb [url][/url] dapper-updates main restricted
    deb-src [url][/url] dapper-updates main restricted
    deb [url][/url] dapper universe
    deb-src [url][/url] dapper universe
     deb [url][/url] breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse
     deb-src [url][/url] breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse
     deb [url][/url] dapper-security main restricted
     deb-src [url][/url] dapper-security main restricted
     deb [url][/url] dapper-security universe
     deb-src [url][/url] dapper-security universe
     deb [url][/url] dapper universe multiverse
     deb-src [url][/url] dapper universe multiverse
    #OpenOffice 2 Repository!
    deb [url][/url] ./
    #kubuntu KDE 3.5
    deb [url][/url] dapper main
    deb [url][/url] dapper main
    #Many Many Many Many amd64 Packages!!!!!!!! The best :)
    deb [url][/url] sid main
    deb [url][/url] sarge main

    Re: To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu

    You have a mix of Breezy and Dapper repositories along with a Debian sid repository and a Debian sarge repository. Clean it up so it's only Dapper and ditch the Debian repositories.

    A nice clean sources.list can be found at change all the breezy references to dapper.

    Then do a
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu

      I've got exactly the same problem : even with kubuntu-desktop installed on the system, the dist-upgrade wants to delete every kde package related to kubuntu-desktop.

      The sources.list is clean and I already tried the apt-get isntall kubuntu-desktop after the update


        Re: To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu


        I've just tried to upgrade to dapper (without doing it, I don't want to do it now it's too unstable, so I'm using dapper only on an intel laptop to check out the advances made)
        But, I'm able to upgrade without removing as many packages can you try with this sources ? Maybe it's debian's wich are troubling, I don't know

        deb dapper main restricted
        deb-src dapper main restricted
        deb dapper-updates main restricted
        deb-src dapper-updates main restricted
        deb dapper universe
        deb-src dapper universe
        deb dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse
        deb-src dapper-backports main restricted universe multiverse
        deb dapper-security main restricted
        deb-src dapper-security main restricted
        deb dapper-security universe
        deb-src dapper-security universe


          Re: To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu


          I think it is not related to the debs rep: Unlike CyberAngel, I don't have any deb rep in my sources.list.
          The only *exotic* sources are the amarok and kde updates from and the plf rep for w32,dvdcss,...
          I tried without those rep, with the offical reps from .be or .fr and none of that have worked


            Re: To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu

            I suspect that, if you've benn updating KDE from Breezy with the KDE-latest repository, you may have a library version conflict when trying to upgrade to Dapper. I had a broken package situation that forced me to remove all of KDE form Breezy and re-install. Thank goodness for high speed broadband.


              Re: To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu

              Hi all.

              Same issue here, I want to try the dist-upgrade, but not sure about all the removal going on.

              Has anyone done it, with the KDE removal bits?
              What happens? No good to use? Have to reinstall kubuntu-desktop?
              Or is it time to reinstall.


                Re: To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu


                well 3 days ago i did the dist-upgrade and needed to reinstall kubuntu-desktop
                so i kind of did the upgrade in three stages : 1st: got a third of the dapper - kubuntu kind of working - lost a lot of kde (last version) no sound!
                2nd: reinstalled kubuntu-desktop from dapper and got a big big chunk of dapper with it (it started to look nicer - & got sound - amarok 1.4 in dapper was better than the 1.4 for breezy) but still had a third of the system with problems and then when i tried to get that part in the dist-upgrade:
                3rd: the system went bad, didn't recognize half my hardware, no cdroms, no cam, no sound, then sound come back, but next morning couldn't boot up.
                after 1 day trying to get dapper to work, and a day reinstalling breezy i am now trying to decide what to do.
                to wait for a little more stable dapper or update breezy to date? (probably both things would take the same time, all the night) :P


                yhotg<br /><br />--------------<br />dibl&#39;s Top 20 Kubuntu FAQs


                  Re: To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu

                  I've reported the bug at launchpad

                  So if people encounters the same matter, it could be useful to add comments to help to confirm - and resolve it


                    Re: To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu

                    Download Dapper Beta2 install cd and install it.............



                      Re: To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu

                      Originally posted by warbuckle
                      Download Dapper Beta2 install cd and install it.............

                      Like I didn't consider this option >
                      For maintenance and downtime issues, it's THE thing I don't wanna do. Don't want to spend hours re-installing all my kde apps


                        Re: To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu


                        I can understand I wouldn't to do this neither
                        Did you try to upgrade and then reinstall kubuntu-desktop ? Or are you also loosing too many app like this ?


                          Re: To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu

                          If you use a graphical tool (like Synaptic) to upgrade you can prevent most of the uninstallations that seem to happen on some setups. :P

                          First select a smart upgrade...which may wish to uninstall a lot of packages. Then you can select nearly all packages (with Shift and Ctrl keys it's easy to select multiple packages)marked for removal and choose to upgrade them. There are still some packages that'll will have to be removed (because of newer versions replacing them), but you can make sure key packages aren't removed.


                            Re: To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu

                            It's a lib dependancy problem and that lib is linked with lots of packages so it won't work.

                            As I said before, I know that letting the dist-upgrade deleting about 160 packages and therefore reinstalling all the kubuntu-desktop metapackage suff should be ok, but because of my work I can't currently afford losing too much time on this (and I think that the dist-upgrade process should anyway go smoothly)


                              Re: To Upgrade from breezy to dapper Needs to uninstall Kubuntu

                              Originally posted by fred2k
                              It's a lib dependancy problem and that lib is linked with lots of packages so it won't work.
                              Well it definitely worked for a friend of mine who had a similar issue (although he did the upgrade a few weeks back, so if it's a new issue it may not work now)...the trick is not to try to mark 'kubuntu-desktop' (and a few other packages) for upgrade at the same time with the general dist-upgrade (otherwise it'll just choose different packages for upgrade/uninstall).

                              You can choose a multitude of individual packages with shift and control so marking the about 100-200 individual packages will take about 5-10 minutes (because you have to try and find out which packages break the upgrade)'ll also have to spend a few moments installing kubuntu-desktop and the rest of the skipped packages afterwards (and removing the obsolete older versions of some packages left behind, but that's not related to the problem)

                              (and I think that the dist-upgrade process should anyway go smoothly)
                              I can whole-heartedly agree with that, of course the situation might improve when Dapper is out of Beta phase

