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ubuntu@ubuntu oddity

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    ubuntu@ubuntu oddity

    Hello all,

    I'm trying to install Kubuntu and I'm having some difficulties. First off, here are the relevant specs for my machine:

    Athlon 64 3500
    1 GB PC3200 DDR
    MSI RS480M2-IL motherboard

    I downloaded the 64 bit installer from the Kubuntu website and used Infra Recorder to burn it to a CD.

    I restart my machine with the CD in the second drive (for some reason it doesn't work if the CD is in the first drive, I suspect that that because the first drive is a lightscribe drive and Kubuntu doesn't like figuring it out) and boot from the CD. First I tested to see if the CD was okay. My first 3 had 4 errors in them but when i switched to Infra Recorder the CD didn't have any failures.

    So, I tell it to install and everything seems to be going fine. Then, it doesn't take me to a GUI install screen like what I keep seeing described all over the internet. Instead, it tells me that Kubuntu is not under warranty and then tells me what to type to learn about the root user.

    I learned about the root user once but it was just information and thing more.

    Now, I'm not great with the command but when I typed ls I saw that there was a directory called Desktop. Then, when I typed cd Desktop it brought me there. Then when I typed ls again it just gave me an example of how to type things in. Since I couldn't think of anything I typed what it said but that didn't net me anything. I ran out of ideas and ran here.

    A more detailed explanation of what I did can be found here:;topicseen#new

    Any help or enlightenment would be appreciated.


    Re: ubuntu@ubuntu oddity

    Read this:
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: ubuntu@ubuntu oddity

      I figured out what was wrong.

      I tried to boot Ubuntu instead of Kubuntu just to see what would happen. I got a very messed up (graphically speaking) screen that said it couldn't load the X system and that it had an error.

      That prompted me to go into the BIOS (per Bob's suggestion) and disable everything I didn't need. When I switched my video card from PCI-Express installed one to the onboard one, I was able to boot Kubuntu.

      Now I just have one much simpler problem. I'm trying to install it onto my 2 GB flash drive but it's not working too well. The installer get's to 99% and then crashes. The error basically says that the hard drive device ran out of room. Since what I've read indicates that the install is just over 2 GB I think that if I just got rid of a few of the extraneous programs that comes packaged with Kubuntu, then I could get it all on there. Oddly enough, the installer did not give me the option on what to install.

      Thus, I was wondering if there is a way to go into the iso file I downloaded and delete some of the extra programs. Some things on there I just don't need or want (such as the 3D editing program). Thus, I was wondering if there is a way to access the iso and delete programs such as those and then burn a new CD? Even better would be an installer that let's me pick and choose which non-essential programs I want.


