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    I installed Kubuntu and it looks like it's going to be a good system but, I have not been able to connect to the internet with my dial-up. I took my pc to my ISP and the two best technicians spent two hours on it and they could not get it hooked up! I live in the western US is this a typical problem ? or am I missing something? Any help would be most appreciated!

    Re: dial-up

    what sort of modem do you have? if you get an external modem, it is pretty much guaranteed to work with linux.

    what is the output from lspci?


      Re: dial-up


      We obviously need a lot more information about your compatibility problems before we can offer any help.

      Modem name, band.
      Modem type, serial, usb, analog, ASDL, any other specifications.
      Modem speed. 'dialup' sometimes means 56k.
      Computer name, brand. Desktop, laptop.
      Computer CPU, RAM and other specs may be useful.
      Version of Kubuntu, 6.06, 6.010.
      ISP name.


        Re: dial-up

        Thank you crazy, exactly the answer I was looking for! And thank you psb 154 for making me aware of the kind of info I need to ask a serious question. Your response resulted in my day being spent educating myself on a piece of harware I realy haven't given much thought to,and knew very little about! I guess that is what the spirit of Linux is all about (learning and solving) I have ordered a us robotics unit that should do the trick, I kinda panicked yesterday when the techs couldn't get it done (anxious to take my new os out in the cyberworld ) not sure why they didn't suggest a external modem ,after reading about it thats definitely the way for me to go! Thanks again fellas for pointing me in the right direction!

