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    I have a 56 k Zoom hardware modem that has no problem with SuSe 10.2 but Kubuntu fails to find it. Any suggestions?

    Re: MODEM

    When you say 'Hardware Modem', do you mean 'internal modem' ? If this is the case, you probably
    have a so-called 'Win-Modem' that is closely integrated with a Windows OS.

    Is your modem in an ISA or PCI slot on the mother-board ?

    One workaround would be to buy an external modem - any Linux distro will recognize it, and the
    price of external 56k modems is now very low. Additionally, you can use an external modem with
    any other computer.


      Re: MODEM

      Please see my post: How To: Connect with Kppp Dialer here:

      where you will find instructions on how to detect the port your modem is on, configure ppp, kppp, and eliminate other nasty problems.

      You are way ahead of the game already with a hardware modem.


        Re: MODEM

        Originally posted by rube-kubuntu
        When you say 'Hardware Modem', do you mean 'internal modem' ? If this is the case, you probably have a so-called 'Win-Modem' that is closely integrated with a Windows OS.

        Is your modem in an ISA or PCI slot on the mother-board ?
        No. A hardware modem can be either external serial or internal; PCI or ISA. It simply means that it is not processor-dependent, known as "controller-based", and usually do not require drivers to work with Linux. They are true modems, as compared to Winmodems, or "soft modems", which are processor-dependent and "controllerless", leaning on the CPU for support. Winmodems operate with drivers specifically written to work with MS Windows. Most external modems are hardware modems, while internal modems can be either hardware or soft modems.

        For further information, and a link to an extensive list of both hardware and winmodems, try here:

        For detailed information on how to configure your Winmodem for Linux, try here:


