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Upgrade using a CD?

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    Upgrade using a CD?

    Hey gang, is there an easy way to upgrade from dapper to edgy using the edgy CD?
    I tried apt cdrom with no luck. The CD mounts, but still no luck.
    Any thoughts?
    <br />

    Re: Upgrade using a CD?

    You need the Alternate CD

    You cannot upgrade with the Desktop CD
    Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


      Re: Upgrade using a CD?

      Yeah, I already figured that.
      I'm attempting to upgrade my mom's dapper machine to edgy, and dl-ing of the net is not really an option with her dial-up. I tried using the alternate CD, yet I still keep getting an error.
      Am I missing some step in between?
      <br />


        Re: Upgrade using a CD?

        What's the error?

        Please post the output of these commands:
        sudo mv /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/souces.list.dapper
        sudo apt-cdrom add
        sudo aptitude update
        sudo aptitude dist-upgrade
        Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


          Re: Upgrade using a CD?

          Alrighty, problem solved. I was getting an error about the device not having any media in it. And as that turned out, the CD drive in my mom's machine had died. It'd spin up, but would not read any discs. I replaced the drive, and everything went fine.

          Thanks for the help.
          <br />

