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HD space - from Ubuntu to Kubuntu

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    HD space - from Ubuntu to Kubuntu

    I hope I can phrase this properly. (New to Linux)

    I am working with a Celeron with a 8.6 Gig HD so space is at a premium for me. And, at the moment, I'm too poor to buy a bigger pc. I use Audacity to encode very large audio files. i.e. 120Mb.

    I originally installed Ubuntu 6.06 on a clean hard drive.
    After reading that Kubuntu configured audio software better, (which it did) I downloaded Kubuntu desktop 6.06 through Terminal.

    Prior to the Kubuntu download and install, I did not check to see how much hard drive space was being used by Ubuntu.

    While encoding last night, Audacity/pc froze up. Apparently I am very short on hard drive space. Which leads me to my question...

    By installing the Kubuntu desktop the way I did, on top of Ubuntu, did that leave behind all kinds of Ubuntu/Gnome files that are now unnecessary on my hard drive. Files that would not have to be there if I had installed Kubuntu from a live cd on a clean hard drive?

    Or more succinctly, would I have more HD space by wiping the drive and installing a fresh copy of Kubuntu, compared to what I have now, which is a HD with over 7 gig of files on it?

    Thanks for any help anyone can offer.

    Re: HD space - from Ubuntu to Kubuntu


    You will get a little more room with only Kubuntu on your hard drive. You should look into getting a bigger hard drive though - 8.6 gig is not much space at all.

    Happy new year!


      Re: HD space - from Ubuntu to Kubuntu

      i would back up my data and install either ubuntu or kubuntu on that sized drive

      i would also use a custom install for the partitions to ensure the swap file did not get too large
      ie. set to about 1.5x the amount of installed ram to a max of 1GiB ...


        Re: HD space - from Ubuntu to Kubuntu

        Perhaps Xubuntu may be a better way for you to go.
        I wish I was the man my dog thinks I am.<br /><br />Registered Linux User No. 402825


          Re: HD space - from Ubuntu to Kubuntu

          Lowey, why so?


            Re: HD space - from Ubuntu to Kubuntu

            Xubuntu is a more lightweight desktop which is better for machines with modest specs.

            I wish I was the man my dog thinks I am.<br /><br />Registered Linux User No. 402825


              Re: HD space - from Ubuntu to Kubuntu

              Ah, yes. I've been reading about that. Problem there is it seems to be the gnome base instead of KDE. The KDE works/integrates with all my audio stuff so much better. I'll stick with Kubuntu.

              Also, I've gone and wiped the HD and am putting a clean install of Kubuntu on the box right now. It should help a lot in cleaning up all kinds of needed space.


                Re: HD space - from Ubuntu to Kubuntu

                Buzz, if you're in North America, here is the $45 USD solution to your problem (unless you're working on a laptop):



                  Re: HD space - from Ubuntu to Kubuntu

                  Thanks for the pointer. I do have a 20gig HD coming in the mail from a friend, so that should help.


                    Re: HD space - from Ubuntu to Kubuntu

                    i'm starting to wonder if my =vga card is shot. Here's what happened.

                    I have Nvidia Aladdin TNT2. I installed the legacy driver as suggested on the forum here. All was working perfectly.

                    Then, through Automatix2 I installed/updated to the Kubuntu Dapper 3.5.5 desktop package.

                    After that, every time I rebooted, I got stuck at the text login black page. I went through all the steps over and over again trying to enable the Legacy driver and switching the nv to nvidia in X11. No luck. the only way I could get the GUI screen was to do the xserver reconfigure. But that just put me back where I started before installing the legacy driver.

                    Some frustrating doo doo folks.

