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PCI IDE drive controllers

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    PCI IDE drive controllers

    I dual boot Kubuntu w/ XP. I had Kubuntu on a 20g drive and XP on a 200g drive. I had a 250g drive formatted /fat and connected to a Promise Ultra 133 TX2 controller card. Now, when booting and select XP grub cannot find file system. Kubuntu boots with no problems. If I disconnect the 250g drive from the controller card XP boots with no problem. Kubuntu is never effected.
    I no longer use this set up. I pulled the card and 20g drive and reloaded Kubuntu on to the 250g drive. Kubuntu is primary and XP secondary.
    I would like to know if anyone else uses this type of card and do they have any trouble. Were they able to work around it? Have they ever seen this problem.

    PS: If I pulled the Kubuntu drive, made XP primary and /fat secondary XP would boot and see the /fat drive?
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