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problem with automounted USB NTFS formatted harddrive

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    problem with automounted USB NTFS formatted harddrive

    I have a ntfs formatted usb harddrive. When I plug it in, it's automounted, but I don't have any permissions to it (it's mounted as /media/mp3s). How do I correct this?

    I did try to change the permissions on the mount directory, but it didn't allow it:
    $ sudo chmod 777 /media/MP3s chmod: changing permissions of `/media/MP3s': Read-only file system $ sudo chmod 777 /media/MP3s/* chmod: cannot access `/media/MP3s/*': No such file or directory
    This is my /etc/fstab:

    # /etc/fstab: static file system information. # # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass> proc /proc proc defaults 0 0 /dev/sda1 / reiserfs notail 0 1 /dev/sda2 none swap sw 0 0 /dev/hda /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0


    Re: problem with automounted USB NTFS formatted harddrive

    You could add a line in the fstab to reflect the stick and ntfs but you would still not be able to write to. You could however copy it onto your hard drive.

    /your/stick /mount/point ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222,uid=0,gid=0,auto,rw,nouser 0 0

    You should reformat it to fat.
    ~$sudo make me a sandwich


      Re: problem with automounted USB NTFS formatted harddrive

      Originally posted by eriefisher
      You could add a line in the fstab to reflect the stick and ntfs but you would still not be able to write to. You could however copy it onto your hard drive.

      /your/stick /mount/point ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222,uid=0,gid=0,auto,rw,nouser 0 0

      You should reformat it to fat.
      Is there a way to convert it to something other than NTFS that kubuntu would allow me to write to?


        Re: problem with automounted USB NTFS formatted harddrive

        I think QTparted should do it. I've never seen one formatted to NTFS. Any I have ever used were Fat.
        ~$sudo make me a sandwich


          Re: problem with automounted USB NTFS formatted harddrive

          One option would be to use the ntfs-3g (beta driver) to mount ntfs with write support. Might not be the best option for your needs (depends on how you plan to use the drive and how critical your data is etc.), but probably worth considering.



            Re: problem with automounted USB NTFS formatted harddrive

            I would get it mounted, then copy all the files off it and then format it to fat. You could then put all the files back on. At least this way the drive could be used for both windows and linux.
            ~$sudo make me a sandwich


              Re: problem with automounted USB NTFS formatted harddrive

              I've used ntfs-3g and feel quite relaxed with it. I have tried using it the other way round: Ext2IFS in windows, but with a removable drive travelling to windows lands it gets a bit silly ("Just install that first please, then you can access my drive"). It set (in my life at least) all user ownerships to uid=999 gid=999 which took a loooong time to fix in linux.

              Anyway, this seems to be what I am looking for, but not yet complete:
              From above :
              "For edgy : /etc/hal/fdi/policy/15-ntfs-policy.fdi" (I don't have this file).

              Is there any other documentation on this policy file? I understand I can just add it in preferences.fdi but don't know what to put there.
              What's also quite nice (probably worst thing as well) about ntfs-3g is the all access all read/write. Since flashdrives come and go, you want it working simple and fast, lest you lose another person who walks away with "See, in windows I wouldn't have this problem..."


                Re: problem with automounted USB NTFS formatted harddrive

                On this forum topic, follow the project page link and get the patched pmount. You should be able to get away with this software tool as well (ntfs-config) and it doesn't seem to require a reboot.

                I also got some info here:
                But almost nothing in there applies to (k)ubuntu. I only looked at the fdi bit. And our fdi policies ALSO lie here: /etc/hal/fdi/policy/*
                If you look there you can start thinking of changing the filetype , but also look around here for examples on various fdi policies and many options on automounting:


                  Re: problem with automounted USB NTFS formatted harddrive

                  Hi, since time has gone by -

                  is there any way now to chmod an NTFS usb Hard drive to 722 and take ownership away from root.

                  I want to go with chmod 722 of and chown to ~ but chown -Rv * and chmod -Rv *

                  I am getting hiccups when utilizing unison to synchronize.

                  If not workable with unision - would rsync work?

                  Originally posted by Aessa
                  I've used ntfs-3g and feel quite relaxed with it. I have tried using it the other way round: Ext2IFS in windows, but with a removable drive travelling to windows lands it gets a bit silly ("Just install that first please, then you can access my drive"). It set (in my life at least) all user ownerships to uid=999 gid=999 which took a loooong time to fix in linux.

                  Anyway, this seems to be what I am looking for, but not yet complete:
                  From above :
                  "For edgy : /etc/hal/fdi/policy/15-ntfs-policy.fdi" (I don't have this file).

                  Is there any other documentation on this policy file? I understand I can just add it in preferences.fdi but don't know what to put there.
                  What's also quite nice (probably worst thing as well) about ntfs-3g is the all access all read/write. Since flashdrives come and go, you want it working simple and fast, lest you lose another person who walks away with "See, in windows I wouldn't have this problem..."

