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Ati blues

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    Ati blues

    Ok, so im having serious issues with these ati drivers. I've followed a few different guides, and everything seems to go well, but no matter what i do i cant get direct rendering, and it always uses the craptastic mesa drivers.

    Any advice

    Re: Ati blues

    I have pasted my reply to another ATI thread below. While I did get it to work for me I still have issues like shutdown
    that still hang up and a little Googling confirmed my suspicions that the ATI driver was the culprit. While my same ATI boards worked like a champ in WindowsXP, they just will not work in Kubuntu for me. I have thrown in the towel on ATI and am replacing my ATI boards with Nvidia ones. The Nvidia driver that you can get with Automatix2 works like a champ on my Nvidia 6600 board. One click setup and it's all good - not like my ATI experience. Good Luck!


    I feel your pain - I have a Powercolor ATI X1300 512MB card in two machines running Kubuntu. I went round and round the Internet and books and have found only one thing that works for me.

    On a fresh Kubuntu Install (I haven't figured out how to get my ATI card to work correctly in 3D once it gets boogered. I have to reinstall Kubuntu to make it work. Anyone have any pointers on this, I am all ears!)

    Anyhoo, what works for me:
    1. Kubuntu install is fresh
    2. Copy and paste into Konsole: sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx fglrx-control <ENTER>
    3. Some gibberish scrolls on the screen as downloads occur - this takes a few minutes
    4. Edit the xorg.conf file as Root /etc/X11/xorg.conf
    Find this part of the file:
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "ATI Technologies, Inc. ATI Default Card"
    Driver "vesa"
    BusID "PCI:1 : 0 : 0"

    Change the Driver "vesa" to Driver "fglrx"

    File should now look like this:
    Section "Device"
    Identifier "ATI Technologies, Inc. ATI Default Card"
    Driver "fglrx"
    BusID "PCI:1 : 0 : 0"

    5. Save the xorg.conf file
    6. Reboot the computer
    7. Once the system is back up, type this into Konsole: fgl_glxgears <ENTER>
    You should see a Flash program with a spinning box and colored gears turning.
    If you see this your 3D is correctly installed

    CAUTION - do not reset your screen resolution. Everytime I tried this, it borked my 3D and I had to reload the OS. I haven't run across any other things that screw up 3D

    After I did this, my Google Earth performs like a champ! Before this, it was very sluggish and unusable.

    Your results may vary....

