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Help needed with changing Nvidia device back to 'nv'

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    Help needed with changing Nvidia device back to 'nv'

    I just did a Kubuntu 6.06 install on one of my partitions. I have the nVidia GeForce 6800 256 MB PCI-E x16 video card on my Dell Inspiron 9300. I wanted to use nvidia's drivers for 3d acceleration, and tried doing so by using Adept to install nvidia-glx. Next, I went to K Menu > System Settings > Display > logged in as administrator mode > Hardware > and chose Configuration settings for device.

    Initially, both of these fields were nv for the device and nv for the driver. As I fiddled around with the configuration window, I chose Nvidia GeForce 6800 (generic), obviously, since that's the chipset my card uses. With that, I get only one resolution with either the nv or the nvidia driver. The only resolution option I get is 640 x 480, which looks ridiculous on my 17" 1920 x 1200 native display. I want to change the device as nv back from Nvidia GeForce 6800. I am not concerned about 3d acceleration for now. Can someone please tell me I can change the first (device) option back to nv? I doesn't show up in the GUI config window.

    Re: Help needed with changing Nvidia device back to 'nv'

    first try in a konsole write
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

    follow the on screen instructions
    and re-start X

    if that fails then try in a konsole
    sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
    again re-start X ...

