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Hard Drive Mounting

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    Hard Drive Mounting

    I recently had a hard drive failure, basicly an error with windows on one of my machines, and I want to recover my files, so I boot into my 6.06 LTS disk, but I cannot see my hard drive on it. Im not sure why, or where to look, but I have checked everywhere I can think of. Do I need to Mount it manulay? Can anyone give me a hand with this.

    What ever I do, I don't want to damage the harddrives data.

    Thanks for any help, ASAP would be great.


    Re: Hard Drive Mounting

    you should be able to mount it manually. However, I've never used the kubuntu disk to do this type of thing. I like knoppix for the job since it makes it very easy to mount/unmount disks. You should be able to download the latest knoppix at, burn the cd, then run it on the damaged system. Hopefully, the drive will work long enough to copy your data to a safe place!

    Post back if you more help with this.

    Good luck!

    Wishing you well.
    --<br />wishing you well


      Re: Hard Drive Mounting

      a_hippie's right. Knoppix is designed for recovery purposes--Kubuntu is not.

      If you don't have Knoppix handy, though, you can still recover your files.

      In the Konsole, paste this command:
      sudo fdisk -l
      You should see which partition is your Windows partition and what filesystem it is.

      For the sake of this example, let's say it's NTFS and /dev/hda1:
      sudo mkdir /media/recovery
      sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/hda1 /media/recovery -o nls=utf8,umask=0222
      That's it. It should now be in /media/recovery

      If it's some other location (/dev/hda3, /dev/hdb1, just modify that part appropriately). If it's FAT32, it should be
      sudo mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /media/recovery -o iocharset=utf8,umask=000
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