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Problem with GF6600 drivers ( nVidia )

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    Problem with GF6600 drivers ( nVidia )

    Hello there
    I have some problems with installing the drivers for my VGA. Wneh I install nvidia-glx and activate it in the console and restart nothing happends in the info center the is no OpenGL. However I installed my vga in other way. I was reading a guide in the Internet. After that everything seems to be OK. But in the info center there was no direct 3D-only OpenGL recognize my card (hope you understand what I mean). And the more interesting is that when I restart my PC I can't log on in my KDE. Monitor display only "Kubuntu" and nothing else Please somebody explain me how to install my VGA drivers and everything to be OK. And there is someting more. My monitor is Samsung TFT 760BF. There are lots of monitors to choose in the display->hardware but mine is not there. I choose for example 710TN and I can't change the resolution but in my native the quiality is not so good. Pls tell me from where to download drivers and how. Thank you Very much

    Re: Problem with GF6600 drivers ( nVidia )

    Did you install the Nvidia-kernel-common for your kernel, and also the kernel headers. If not log into kubuntu to recovery mode and apt-get them.
    This is side one flip me over

