Hi all, relatively new to Kubuntu, built a new SLI machine and have been using the NV drivers for a while. I now tried installing the full Nvidia drivers from here by following the instructions:
After running 'sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-8174-pkg1.run' it barfed on a few things, so now I've got gcc installed, linux kernel source and headers.
After that and re-running the setup utility, I rebooted and now it stalls at the Kubuntu screen with starting X. If I run 'startx' from the command line (both kernels as I seem to have two now) it gives the following errors:
Failed to load module GLX
Failed to load module Nvidia
..think it's because they're not installed, but can't install because no desktop, so no wifi connection...
After running 'sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-1.0-8174-pkg1.run' it barfed on a few things, so now I've got gcc installed, linux kernel source and headers.
After that and re-running the setup utility, I rebooted and now it stalls at the Kubuntu screen with starting X. If I run 'startx' from the command line (both kernels as I seem to have two now) it gives the following errors:
Failed to load module GLX
Failed to load module Nvidia
..think it's because they're not installed, but can't install because no desktop, so no wifi connection...