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No direct rendering [SOLVED]

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    No direct rendering [SOLVED]

    I have ATI Technologies Inc Radeon R250 Lf [FireGL 9000] (rev 01) Graphics card. My graphics rendering is really slow. I think I don't have direct rendering; eventhough the fglrxinfo says only:

    Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".
    display: :0.0 screen: 0
    OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: [url][/url]
    OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect
    OpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.4.1)
    For instance, glxgears can render only 150 fps.

    What can I do?

    My xorg.conf:

    # /etc/X11/xorg.conf (xorg X Window System server configuration file)
    # This file was generated by dexconf, the Debian X Configuration tool, using
    # values from the debconf database.
    # Edit this file with caution, and see the /etc/X11/xorg.conf manual page.
    # (Type "man /etc/X11/xorg.conf" at the shell prompt.)
    # This file is automatically updated on xserver-xorg package upgrades *only*
    # if it has not been modified since the last upgrade of the xserver-xorg
    # package.
    # If you have edited this file but would like it to be automatically updated
    # again, run the following command:
    #  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
    Section "ServerLayout"
    	Identifier   "Dual Head Layout"
    	Screen   0 "Laptop Screen" 0 0
    	Screen   1 "Nokia Screen" RightOf "Laptop Screen"
    	InputDevice  "Generic Keyboard"
    	InputDevice  "Configured Mouse"
    	InputDevice  "stylus" "SendCoreEvents"
    	InputDevice  "cursor" "SendCoreEvents"
    	InputDevice  "eraser" "SendCoreEvents"
    	InputDevice  "Synaptics Touchpad"
    Section "Files"
     # path to defoma fonts
    	FontPath   "/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc"
    	FontPath   "/usr/share/X11/fonts/cyrillic"
    	FontPath   "/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi/:unscaled"
    	FontPath   "/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi/:unscaled"
    	FontPath   "/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1"
    	FontPath   "/usr/share/X11/fonts/100dpi"
    	FontPath   "/usr/share/X11/fonts/75dpi"
    	FontPath   "/var/lib/defoma/x-ttcidfont-conf.d/dirs/TrueType"
    Section "Module"
    	Load "i2c"
    	Load "bitmap"
    	Load "ddc"
    	Load "extmod"
    	Load "freetype"
    	Load "int10"
    	Load "type1"
    	Load "vbe"
    	Load "glx"
    	Load "dbe"
    	Load "v4l"
    	Load "dri"
    Section "ServerFlags"
    	Option	  "Xinerama" "true"
    Section "InputDevice"
    	Identifier "Generic Keyboard"
    	Driver   "kbd"
    	Option	  "CoreKeyboard"
    	Option	  "XkbRules" "xorg"
    	Option	  "XkbModel" "pc105"
    	Option	  "XkbLayout" "fi"
    Section "InputDevice"
    	Identifier "Configured Mouse"
    	Driver   "mouse"
    	Option	  "CorePointer"
    	Option	  "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
    	Option	  "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2"
    	Option	  "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
    	Option	  "Emulate3Buttons" "true"
    Section "InputDevice"
    	Identifier "Synaptics Touchpad"
    	Driver   "synaptics"
    	Option	  "SendCoreEvents" "true"
    	Option	  "Device" "/dev/psaux"
    	Option	  "Protocol" "auto-dev"
    	Option	  "HorizScrollDelta" "0"
    Section "InputDevice"
     # /dev/input/event
     # for USB
    	Identifier "stylus"
    	Driver   "wacom"
    	Option	  "Device" "/dev/wacom"# Change to 
    	Option	  "Type" "stylus"
    	Option	  "ForceDevice" "ISDV4"# Tablet PC ONLY
    Section "InputDevice"
     # /dev/input/event
     # for USB
    	Identifier "eraser"
    	Driver   "wacom"
    	Option	  "Device" "/dev/wacom"# Change to 
    	Option	  "Type" "eraser"
    	Option	  "ForceDevice" "ISDV4"# Tablet PC ONLY
    Section "InputDevice"
     # /dev/input/event
     # for USB
    	Identifier "cursor"
    	Driver   "wacom"
    	Option	  "Device" "/dev/wacom"# Change to 
    	Option	  "Type" "cursor"
    	Option	  "ForceDevice" "ISDV4"# Tablet PC ONLY
    Section "Monitor"
    	Identifier  "Laptop Monitor"
    	Option	  "DPMS" "true"
    Section "Monitor"
    	Identifier  "Nokia Monitor"
    	VendorName  "Nokia"
    	ModelName  "Nokia 446Xpro"
    	HorizSync  30.0 - 107.0
    	VertRefresh 50.0 - 150.0
    	Gamma    1
    	ModeLine   "640x480@60" 25.2 640 656 752 800 480 490 492 525 -hsync -vsync
    	ModeLine   "640x480@72" 31.5 640 664 704 832 480 489 491 520 -hsync -vsync
    	ModeLine   "640x480@75" 31.5 640 656 720 840 480 481 484 500 -hsync -vsync
    	ModeLine   "640x480@85" 36.0 640 696 752 832 480 481 484 509 -hsync -vsync
    	ModeLine   "800x600@56" 36.0 800 824 896 1024 600 601 603 625 +hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "800x600@72" 50.0 800 856 976 1040 600 637 643 666 +hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "800x600@75" 49.5 800 816 896 1056 600 601 604 625 +hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "800x600@85" 56.3 800 832 896 1048 600 601 604 631 +hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "800x600@60" 40.0 800 840 968 1056 600 601 605 628 +hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "832x624@75" 57.3 832 864 928 1152 624 625 628 667 -hsync -vsync
    	ModeLine   "1024x768@85" 94.5 1024 1072 1168 1376 768 769 772 808 +hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "1024x768@75" 78.8 1024 1040 1136 1312 768 769 772 800 +hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "1024x768@70" 75.0 1024 1048 1184 1328 768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync
    	ModeLine   "1024x768@60" 65.0 1024 1048 1184 1344 768 771 777 806 -hsync -vsync
    	ModeLine   "1024x768@43" 44.9 1024 1032 1208 1264 768 768 776 817 +hsync +vsync interlace
    	ModeLine   "1152x864@75" 108.0 1152 1216 1344 1600 864 865 868 900 +hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "1152x768@54" 65.0 1152 1178 1314 1472 768 771 777 806 +hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "1280x854" 80.0 1280 1309 1460 1636 854 857 864 896 +hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "1280x1024@75" 135.0 1280 1296 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "1280x960@60" 102.1 1280 1360 1496 1712 960 961 964 994 -hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "1280x960@85" 148.5 1280 1344 1504 1728 960 961 964 1011 +hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "1280x1024@85" 157.5 1280 1344 1504 1728 1024 1025 1028 1072 +hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "1280x1024@60" 108.0 1280 1328 1440 1688 1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "1280x960@75" 129.9 1280 1368 1504 1728 960 961 964 1002 -hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "1400x1050@60" 122.6 1400 1488 1640 1880 1050 1051 1054 1087 -hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "1400x1050@75" 155.8 1400 1496 1648 1896 1050 1051 1054 1096 -hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "1600x1200@65" 175.5 1600 1664 1856 2160 1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "1600x1200@60" 162.0 1600 1664 1856 2160 1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "1600x1200@75" 202.5 1600 1664 1856 2160 1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "1600x1200@70" 189.0 1600 1664 1856 2160 1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "1600x1200@85" 229.5 1600 1664 1856 2160 1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "1792x1344@75" 261.0 1792 1888 2104 2456 1344 1345 1348 1417 -hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "1792x1344@60" 204.8 1792 1920 2120 2448 1344 1345 1348 1394 -hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "1856x1392@60" 218.3 1856 1952 2176 2528 1392 1393 1396 1439 -hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "1920x1440@60" 234.0 1920 2048 2256 2600 1440 1441 1444 1500 -hsync +vsync
    	ModeLine   "2048x1536@60" 266.9 2048 2200 2424 2800 1536 1537 1540 1589 -hsync +vsync
    Section "Device"
    	Identifier "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon R250 Lf [Radeon Mobility 9000 M9]"
    	Driver   "fglrx"
    	BoardName  "ati"
    	Option	  "VideoOverlay" "on"
    	Option	  "OpenGLOverlay" "off"
    	BusID    "PCI:1:0:0"
    Section "Device"
    	Identifier "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon R250 Lf [Radeon Mobility 9000 M9] 2"
    	Driver   "fglrx"
    	BoardName  "ati"
    	BusID    "PCI:1:0:0"
    	Screen   1
    Section "Screen"
    	Identifier "Laptop Screen"
    	Device   "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon R250 Lf [Radeon Mobility 9000 M9]"
    	Monitor  "Laptop Monitor"
    	DefaultDepth   24
    	SubSection "Display"
    		Depth   24
    		Modes  "1400x1050" "1280x960@85" "1280x1024@85" "1280x960@60" "1280x1024@60" "1280x1024@75" "1280x960@75" "1280x854" "1400x1050@60" "1152x768@54" "1400x1050@75" "1152x864@75" "1600x1200@65" "1024x768@43" "1600x1200@60" "1024x768@60" "1600x1200@75" "1024x768@70" "1600x1200@70" "1024x768@75" "1600x1200@85" "1024x768@85" "1792x1344@75" "832x624@75" "1792x1344@60" "800x600@60" "1856x1392@60" "800x600@85" "1920x1440@60" "800x600@75" "2048x1536@60" "800x600@72" "800x600@56" "640x480@85" "640x480@75" "640x480@72" "640x480@60"
    Section "Screen"
    	Identifier "Nokia Screen"
    	Device   "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon R250 Lf [Radeon Mobility 9000 M9] 2"
    	Monitor  "Nokia Monitor"
    	DefaultDepth   24
    	SubSection "Display"
    		Depth   24
    		Modes  "1280x960@85" "1280x1024@85" "1280x960@60" "1280x1024@60" "1280x1024@75" "1280x960@75" "1280x854" "1400x1050@60" "1152x768@54" "1400x1050@75" "1152x864@75" "1600x1200@65" "1024x768@43" "1600x1200@60" "1024x768@60" "1600x1200@75" "1024x768@70" "1600x1200@70" "1024x768@75" "1600x1200@85" "1024x768@85" "1792x1344@75" "832x624@75" "1792x1344@60" "800x600@60" "1856x1392@60" "800x600@85" "1920x1440@60" "800x600@75" "2048x1536@60" "800x600@72" "800x600@56" "640x480@85" "640x480@75" "640x480@72" "640x480@60"
    Section "DRI"
    	Mode     0666

    Re: No direct rendering

    My graphics rendering is really slow.
    Maybe this is problem:
    OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project:

    Have you tried this:
    Ubuntu Dapper Installation Guide

    In Ubuntu Dapper you can choose between two methods of installing the proprietary ATI driver. If you are new to linux you should use the first method as it is a lot easier than the second one and will work well in most cases. The second method describes how to install the very latest driver version, but requires some additional work and knowledge.

    Useful information:

    Howto: Fglrx 8.26.18 & 8.27.10 Driver Install (works With Xpress Series Cards Now!)


    Kommander script/gui for fglrx video driver:


    Using fglrx or ati drivers may cause KDM/xorg to freeze on logout or reboot [WWW] #30447
    Workaround: add (uncomment) the line TerminateServer=true to section [X-:*-Core] in /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc
    Checking driver:
    :~$ fglrxinfo
    display: :0.0 screen: 0
    OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.
    OpenGL renderer string: RADEON 9600 XT Generic
    OpenGL version string: 2.0.5814 (8.25.18)

    :~$ fgl_glxgears
    Using GLX_SGIX_pbuffer
    2972 frames in 5.0 seconds = 594.400 FPS
    4546 frames in 5.0 seconds = 909.200 FPS
    4534 frames in 5.0 seconds = 906.800 FPS
    4545 frames in 5.0 seconds = 909.000 FPS
    :~$ glxgears -printfps
    23436 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4687.105 FPS
    23337 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4667.340 FPS
    23321 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4664.134 FPS
    23303 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4660.479 FPS
    Before you edit, BACKUP !

    Why there are dead links ?
    1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
    2. Thread: Lost Information


      Re: No direct rendering


      I followed the links you provided but couldn't find a solution. I applied both

      Ubuntu Dapper Installation Guide

      and Howto: Fglrx 8.26.18 & 8.27.10 Driver Install (works With Xpress Series Cards Now!)
      without results.

      Here's some info:

      :~$ fglrxinfo
      Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".
      display: :0.0 screen: 0
      OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: [url][/url]
      OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect
      OpenGL version string: 1.2 (1.5 Mesa 6.4.1)
      I cannot run fgl_glxgears:

      :~$ fgl_glxgears
      Using GLX_SGIX_pbuffer
      Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".
      X Error of failed request: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)
       Major opcode of failed request: 154 (GLX)
       Minor opcode of failed request: 5 (X_GLXMakeCurrent)
       Serial number of failed request: 30
       Current serial number in output stream: 30
      :~$ glxgears -printfps
      Xlib: extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0".
      643 frames in 5.2 seconds = 124.508 FPS
      456 frames in 6.1 seconds = 75.254 FPS
      I have fglrx driver version 8.27.10 installed but dmesg says following:

      :~$ dmesg | grep fglr
      [17179606.816000] fglrx: module license 'Proprietary. (C) 2002 - ATI Technologies, Starnberg, GERMANY' taints kernel.
      [17179606.820000] [fglrx] Maximum main memory to use for locked dma buffers: 680 MBytes.
      [17179606.820000] [fglrx] module loaded - fglrx 8.25.18 [May 18 2006] on minor 0
      Any ideas?


        Re: No direct rendering

        In addition, atieventsd process consumes about 50% of CPU usage. What can I do with that?


          Re: No direct rendering

          Hmm - Did LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo display missing files ?
          (from Troubleshooting for both Methods)

          Something to try (just quessing :P ):

          1) Comment xinerama off from xorg.conf
          Why ?

          From HowTo: Dual Monitors (Xinerama/TwinView/MergedFB)

          Xinerama (first HowTo) does not allow DRI, so if you want to have DRI enabled, then please try the second or third HowTo.
          I have tried Big-Desktop - seems to work with fglrx. I haven't tried xinerama.
          Big Desktop is the binary function of MergedFB. Big Desktop enables features similar to Xinerama with the addition of 3D Acceleration Support.
          2) Try to reinstall xserver-xorg-core
          dexter did have same kind of problem with Ati 9800 SE.

          Topic: Ati 9800 SE 3D

          Strangest thing just happened downloaded the xorg core update which screwed up the system downgraded the xorg core and guess what I HAVE 3D WORKING

          display: :0.0 screen: 0
          OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.
          OpenGL renderer string: RADEON 9800 SE Generic
          OpenGL version string: 2.0.5946 (8.27.10)

          then upgraded to the fixed core and its still working YIPPEEE
          So you could try reinstallation (xorg core).
          Before you edit, BACKUP !

          Why there are dead links ?
          1. Thread: Please explain how to access old kubuntu forum posts
          2. Thread: Lost Information


            Re: No direct rendering [SOLVED]

            Back to business, I had to do some "work" for a while...

            It's working now. I started configuring from beginning as suggested in #1. Thanks! I even have dual head working now.


              Re: No direct rendering [SOLVED]

              glxgears -printfps

              So THAT's the command to get fps on kubuntu computers!

              Just posted this to my local LUG. Man, it's all in the details

              Thank you

              Wishing you well.
              --<br />wishing you well

