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Brother 1240 Setup?

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    Brother 1240 Setup?

    Hi Everyone,

    I have just installed Kubuntu and am trying to get my Brother 1240 laser printer working. I am running the printer hooked up to a D-Link (DI-704UP) Print Server. I haven't had any luck trying to set up my printer using the GUI.

    Any help would be great.


    Re: Brother 1240 Setup?

    Could I set one up using the terminal? It's more the print server that is giving me the trouble I think.


      Re: Brother 1240 Setup?

      Are you using TCP/IP printing?
      How many ports does your print server have?

      I use a jetdirect 3-port printserver and it took me a long time to figure out that in linux clients it used ports 9101,9102,9103 because on my windows clients (which I configured first) the options were just parallel 1,2,3. So i was sending my printout to the correct ip but incorrect port.


        Re: Brother 1240 Setup?

        I am using TC/IP printing. When I configured the printer on my Windows I had to create a new port called D-Link DI-704UP (or something similar).

        I tried adding a printer through System Settings > Printers > Add Printer/Class > Network Printer (TCP). For the printer address, I entered

        http://My Ip.

        and for the port I added 9101. Am I still doing something wrong?




          Re: Brother 1240 Setup?

          remove the http:// in front and use the IP of your print server.

          Kubuntu should browse the network for the specified IP and then ask you for a port. (If it finds multiple ports which it does for me.) Anwyay it should report something back and let you continue on adding the printers driver.


            Re: Brother 1240 Setup?

            Ok I did that, and clicked "Scan". Kubuntu didn't find a single printer.

            What I did try was connecting to my printer just by opening up Konqueror and typing

            http:// My IP Here

            That came up with the Print Server Information. It said that the port that the printer was on was 80. I tried configuring a printer (TCP) with my IP and port 80. That seemed to work, but when I tried to print anything, the printer didn't process it.

            Note: The "Jobs" tab, said that the page was processing, and after a pause, the page I was printing disappeared from the list, which I assumed meant that it was finished. When I went out to the printer though, nothing had printed.



              Re: Brother 1240 Setup?

              TCP/UDP port 80 is usually reserved as an HTTP port.
              It shouldn't be the port that is would be used by your print server to accept print jobs, at least not from what I know.

              What your probably configuring is the "web server" for your router.
              which us why you put the http : // MyIP
              by MyIP im presuming your using which is reserved for local network and would be the default IP of your DLink.

              If you can configure one Windows system to print to your print server, you can check which port the windows box uses. however check your manual if your DLink USB print server is compatible only with windows.
              I remember a few years back that these USB print server were notoriously Windows ONLY print servers.


                Re: Brother 1240 Setup?

                Ive been reading more about your problem.

                Try to check if you can see the name of the print queue assigned by your router.

                then try to add it via >> System settings >> printers
                "Add printer/class" and use "Remote LPD Queue"
                enter the printer_server_IP on "Host"
                enter the print_server_name\printer_name on "Queue"

                install the proper driver and try to print.

                good luck


                  Re: Brother 1240 Setup?

                  Ok I have tried a few things now, and I have a few questions.

                  1. What exactly do you mean by "print queue"? I tried looking through the D-Link Print Server/Router configuration, but I didn't see anything that I thought would relate.

                  2. When you say "enter the print_server_name\printer_name on 'Queue'" do you mean just to enter the print server name (is this the print queue?), add a "\" and then add the printer name right after?


                  Note: I'm not sure if this matters or not, but I've been doing some reading and I have noticed that CUPS seems to be a of server that you need to enable. Like I said before, this printer isn't hooked up to any computer (so I couldn't configure a CUPS server if I needed to). Also, I haven't changed any configuration files on Kubuntu to enable CUPS (If needed).

                  I still don't really have a good idea of what CUPS is and how it works, so about the questions.


                    Re: Brother 1240 Setup?

                    Could anyone possibly fill me in on these details?

                    (Sorry if I'm seeming impatient, but this problem is the only thing preventing me from fully booting into Linux all the time.)

                    Thanks, for the help.



                      Re: Brother 1240 Setup?

                      Sorry Mr_welfare big typhoon hit us and power conked out for 4 days.

                      Anyways. The print queue I was reading about was most probably a printer attached to a CUPS server.

                      I am using TC/IP printing. When I configured the printer on my Windows I had to create a new port called D-Link DI-704UP (or something similar).
                      Can you check this port. I remember XP has something like Configure Port which actually shows the Port Setting for the created port.

                      If still nothing works then I suggest you contact DLink since your problem really lies on the USB port of your DLink print server.


                        Re: Brother 1240 Setup?

                        Wow. Sorry to hear about the typhoon.

                        Well, "Configure Port" just comes up with the IP address for the printer (or so XP says) This IP is the one that I've been using to try and connect through Kubuntu, but I still haven't had any luck.

                        Also, I noticed that Kubunu asks you for the printer Ip and a seperate port. I can't seem to find that other port anywhere...

                        Anyways, Thanks a lot for your help. I'll try contacting D-Link to see if they have any support.

                        (If I get it working, I'll definatly post a HOWTO)

                        Thanks again,



                          Re: Brother 1240 Setup?

                          Well, it looks like the DI-704UP is now a discontinued product. I checked on the D-Link site last night and there wasn't much information about it at all.

                          Well, that's unfortunate, but I now just have to boot back into Windows to print. Not too big of a deal.



                            Re: Brother 1240 Setup?

                            just wondering ... maybe you can install wine and use it?

                            Ive never tried wine nor do i know if its capable of doing it but maybe you can give it a try.

                            Id like to know how it goes, if you do decide to do it.

                            good luck

