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New user cannot mount drives

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    New user cannot mount drives

    I am new to KuBuntu, very new. I am quite adept with windows, and for various reasons wanted to try something new and refreshing and it looks like KuBuntu is it! Where has it been all my life? LOL

    I installed it using the live CD with no problems whatsoever; I can dual boot to XP easily, and I am very happy with it. I used the Adept app to download updates and so far I am like a kid with a new toy; it's smooth, looks very good, and has a kind of sophistication that I find attractive.

    To my problem, I have been unable to mount the fat32 drive I created in XP. Each time I right click it and click "mount", I get an error

    "could not mount device, mount: can't find /dev/hda(1,5,or 6) in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab.

    I read through a lot of the installed KuBuntu help and, not that there isn't a lot of documentation, because there is. Problem is that there is so much, that I can't get my windows geek mind around it......yet. The terminology and command line is new to me so...I'm stuck. I will keep reading and studying (it's new and interesting!) but I would really appreciate some help and guidance. Either way, I have a steep learning curve ahead of me and that's ok. Any help would be truly appreciated, thanks.


    Re: New user cannot mount drives

    It would be good if you could post your /etc/fstab here.
    open konsole and do
    cat /etc/fstab
    then select, copy and paste it here.

    First you have to edit your /etc/fstab

    open konsole and type sudo kate /etc/fstab

    this will open the file in a text editor.
    You will have to know what the drive labels are i.e. hda, hda1, hda2 blah blah
    hda is probably the windowsXP part. on some machines like dell there will be 2 parts, hda1 and hda2 where hda1 is a small part where dell puts stuff. So, if XP is hda then maybe the fat32 part is hda1. If XP is hda1 then the fat 32 could be hda3. A new line in the /etc/fstab would look something like the following:
    /dev/hda? /media/fat32 vfat iocharset=utf8,users,umask=000 0 0

    column1 is the partition, column 2 is the mount point, column 3 is the fs type, clumn 4 are the list of options, column 5 is the dump something or other.
    add this line and save. mind the spaces between columns!

    BTW the mount point can be anything as long as they match i.e. /windows or /windows1 if you have more than one of any fstype. doing /media/fat32 puts a folder named fat32 in the /media folder

    Then in konsole do
    sudo mkdir /media/fat32
    this will create the mount point.

    Then do
    sudo mount /dev/hda?

    now you should be able to see the partition with konqueror by navigating to /media. You can also do in konsole :
    ls /media/fat32
    this will list everything in that folder.
    hope this helps.

    I tried Enlightenment once, it was pretty cool.


      Re: New user cannot mount drives

      when I ran the command you gave I got the following.

      "It would be good if you could post your /etc/fstab here.
      open konsole and do
      cat /etc/fstab
      then select, copy and paste it here."

      # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
      # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
      proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
      /dev/hda3 / ext3 nouser,defaults,errors=remount-ro,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 1
      /dev/hda7 none swap sw 0 0
      /dev/hdd /media/cdrom0 auto user,atime,auto,rw,dev,exec,suid 0 0


        Re: New user cannot mount drives

        I owe ya a worked!!! I am soooooo excited; thanks a ton!!!!I I followed your command instructions to the letter and now I can see the fat32 drive and it's contents. Thanks!



          Re: New user cannot mount drives

          Next time you are in Taos NM we will sit down for a cool one.
          I tried Enlightenment once, it was pretty cool.

