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5.1 Sound... Only two speakers work..

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    5.1 Sound... Only two speakers work..

    I have Creative Audigy 2 ZS..

    and I have 5.1 speakers.. but when I play some thing in Amarok or Kaffeine.. only my two speakers working..

    I kind of want the other to work as well.. Do any one know how to fix it?

    Re: 5.1 Sound... Only two speakers work..

    Does any one got their 5.1 sound speakers to work in Linux??


      Re: 5.1 Sound... Only two speakers work..

      Something simple to try in case you haven't. Run kmix and turn up the volume on alternate speakers. I stumbled upon some advice to run alsamix but it wasn't showing the volume for the alternate speakers. Good luck.
      FKA: tanderson


        Re: 5.1 Sound... Only two speakers work..

        Hello, to everybody. I am new over here, but I will try at least to provide you the most of what I own.

        Look, I have a 7.1 surround system from Creative and I managed to make it work just fine... The solution is simple, to put it in the wight words, even simpler than you obviously thought.

        First of all open the Kmix and tell me which are the level switches that you have.
        Make a file called .asoundrc in your home and/or root directory.

        kate /home/your-user-name/.asoundrc

        copy and paste the following into the file.

        pcm.emu10k1 {
        type hw
        card 0

        ctl.emu10k1 {
        type hw
        card 0

        pcm.!dmix {
        type plug
        slave {
        pcm surround51
        channels 6
        pcm.!default {
        type plug
        slave.pcm "dmix"
        slave.channels 6
        route_policy duplicate

        Then save the file and play an mp3 for e.g.
        That's all


          Re: 5.1 Sound... Only two speakers work..

          Glad to hear you got it working. When I ran kmix I needed to turn up the center and surround volumes and my sound came alive! They defaulted to completely off.
          FKA: tanderson

