I just got my linux box up and running today, after 3 days of network troubleshooting...So in my ignorint bliss I decide to try to set up the display settings to output to my tv (I have an ati x800 by the way)...the result, I now have now display on either my tv or my monitor I am a retard....
So basically, how do I get into the shell before the screwed up x server starts so that I can reset my x server settings and fix this...and how do I reset my x server settings
please help me (again....)
p.s. boy I am a real retard; distroying a good linux box in less than 5 minutes after 3 days of getting it to work properly...oh well at least its a learning experience.
So basically, how do I get into the shell before the screwed up x server starts so that I can reset my x server settings and fix this...and how do I reset my x server settings
please help me (again....)
p.s. boy I am a real retard; distroying a good linux box in less than 5 minutes after 3 days of getting it to work properly...oh well at least its a learning experience.