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2nd HDD

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    2nd HDD

    I have just installed latest ubuntu, can't seem to mount 2nd HDD, it really messes up the system when I try. What is the correct way to mount a second HDD??

    My other problem is with printing, I type a test page in Open Office, send it to the printer, and what comes out are pages of what looks like instructions from one program to what have I missed here. I have been using Suse 10 and 9.3, I have not had these problems before, I know there is a simple answer

    Re: 2nd HDD

    Hi storywizard:

    First the drive. This is just a down and dirty way of doing it (old debian style):

    open a konsole
    enter command "sudo bash" without the quotes
    cd to /mnt directory "cd /mnt"
    make new directory "mkdir second_HDD"
    now add the entry to your fstab using kate,nano, or vim
    "/dev/hdxx /mnt/second_HDD auto user,noauto 0 0"
    U will have to replace the "hdxx" with the actual hdd location, like hdc1 or hdb1
    save the file and exit your editor
    Now mount the drive:
    "mount /mnt/second_HDD" again all without the quotes

    That should get your drive mounted for use. U might want to change permissions etc later.

    As for the printer, check the print filter that you used when you added your printer. If the one u have now is not working, select another.. usually there are several for each model of printer.

    Good luck to u! Hope this was helpful.

    Also, it seems odd that the system doesn't do some type of check at boot time to see if new drives have been added to the computer. Wonder if this is a kubuntu bug?

    wishing you well
    --<br />wishing you well

