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critical error with floppy

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    critical error with floppy

    I have new Kubuntu Dapper Drake with updates, I still use the floppy, for my work is important. When I put a floppy at floppy drive, the system try to read and read, and do nothing, I try other ways, link at desktop the floppy drive, cheking fstab, etc, but no luck.

    I read about this, is a bug, and at bugs page said "is a problem with solution", but the solution doesn't work.

    Well, if I change to windows, and use the same floppy that I tried at Kubuntu, windows said "Disk don't have format" and can not read, and of course I lost my information.

    ¿anyone know how solve this?

    Re: critical error with floppy

    0) Don't post the same message in more than one forum. It is discourteous. If you are discourteous to us, why should we help you? Accordingly, as a moderator, I have removed your other identical post of this problem.

    1) Do you have an entry in the file /etc/fstab for your floppy drive? It should look like this:
    /dev/fd0	/media/fd0	auto	rw,user,noauto	0	0
    2) You should also have a directory called "fd0" under your media directory. If it is not there, you must make one.

    3) Then, after inserting a formatted floppy in the drive, you may see a popup asking you what to do, select "mount". If this does not happen, you will have to mount the floppy yourself: Right click on the desktop. Choose "Run command". enter the command
    mount /dev/fd0
    4) Now, you can navigate to /media/fd0 and read and write your floppy disk.


      Re: critical error with floppy

      Thanks for answer me.

      I follow the stpes, but not work. I get a box that said "Is not possible mount drive" or something like that. I was looking information, and I find this

      Is a problem with new KDE, because this problem doesn't have Ubuntu, like I read; I guess that someone have a solution.


        Re: critical error with floppy

        The solution to that bug was published in the bug report you referenced. Add your user to group floppy.

