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Hardware analyzer?

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    Hardware analyzer?

    Now first off, I'm not sure if this is in the right place or's hardware related, and software related. So mods, feel free to move it

    I'm presently botting Kubuntu on a Northstar branded laptop that used to belong to my gf, specs are P4 3.06Ghz, 760Mb PC3200 RAM (came with 512, threw in another 256Mb), Intel 82845G (might be GL) chipset. My gf replaced this machine after it basically stopped starts to POST, gets through memory check and then dies...She took it to Best Buy for those oh so knowing people to look at, and they basically said 'motherboard's borked, we'll fix it for lots of money'. So she replaced it with a shiny new lappy. I came along, and decided to see if I could see what the problem was, and whether it could be stripped for parts (desktop processor and ram!)...and found that it booted fine first try. Every so often, the problem reoccurs, but always in the same place. I've tried a different HDD, RAM (in both slots), replaced the BIOS battery, cleaned and checked the fans, replaced all the thermal paste, etc. And the problem is still present.

    And the point of this long long story?

    IS there available a program I can get for linux that will check the fuctionality of all the hardware in the computer?

    Re: Hardware analyzer?

    Hmm...If I turn off Legacy support and Quick Boot in the BIOS, all is well...But I still would like to know what the problem is...


    /shameless bump

