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Second Hard Drive For Storage

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    Second Hard Drive For Storage

    Hello Folks,
    I am fairly new to linux and I have decided to take the plunge and completely and get rid of my dual boot system with Windoz. I have 2 seperate 120 Gig HD's and I Installed Kubuntu on the Master Drive : /dev/hda as ext3 and I would like to use the second drive as a storage drive for Kubuntu and I'm not sure were to go from here. I haven't really done any manual partitioning using linux or for that matter with any OS.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Re: Second Hard Drive For Storage

    I can't say that I know how, but I wanted to share a recent experience. I had win on hda and ubuntu on hdb. I decided to buy a larger drive for hdb and install kubuntu on it instead of ubuntu. When I unplugged the drive and tried to reboot (it's a long story as to why I did this step), I got a grub error. So I attached the new drive and immediately ran the kubuntu live cd and installed it. So, there may be some kind of trick you have to do depending on where your bootloader is set up (I'm not an expert, I'm just guessing). Good luck.



      Re: Second Hard Drive For Storage

      Originally posted by salmann54
      I have 2 seperate 120 Gig HD's and I Installed Kubuntu on the Master Drive : /dev/hda as ext3 and I would like to use the second drive as a storage drive for Kubuntu and I'm not sure were to go from here. I haven't really done any manual partitioning using linux or for that matter with any OS.
      So you already have a working kubuntu installation on your primary drive?
      Then the process should be fairly simple:

      1. Create the partition and the filesystem (or several partitions and filesystems, depending on your needs)
      You can use a graphical tool for creating partitions and filesystems, like 'qtparted' or 'gparted'...they are available from the repositories if they aren't installed
      NOTE: this will erase all the data on the disk so be careful.

      2. Follow these instructions to get it mounted


        Re: Second Hard Drive For Storage

        go to your adept, put a search for gparted, pretty self explanatory, simple program. I like to use the xubuntu live disc as it has gparted. I believe gparted has put out a live cd with just gparted so you might to give it try. always remember gparted will not work on a mounted disc.

        using the gui to mount your disc, you go to K menu, System Settings, at the bottom you will see disk and filesystems, and when you click on it, will show you all the drives in your pc. click on administrator mode, enter your pw.

        make sure in your home directory you have the folder you want to mount the hard drive in. click on new, and from top to bottom, select file system, mount point is the folder in your home directory you want to mount it in, check the 2 boxes, and change mount permission to your login name.

        this gui makes it dirt easy to add new hard drives and partitions.

