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Will not power off!

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    Will not power off!

    Hi all,

    Just wondering if anyone would have an idea as to why my desktop will not shut down completley after I log out and click shut down. I am running LTS6.06 up to date with the exception of the newest kde, I have a basic clean install, I will click the log out button, click shut down, and it used to power off after cycling through stopping procceses, normal, after I just did this last round of updates about 2 days ago my comp when I click the log out button and click shut down, looks like its shutting down normally, then when it would go to the screen where you see the procceses being stoped it just goes black and it just doesnt power down. Any idea where to start?

    &quot;Time fades even legend&quot;<br />-Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain

    Re: Will not power off!

    Try to shutdown from the command line (maybe it will behave differently).

    sudo shutdown now


      Re: Will not power off!

      that was a good suggestion, i tried it and i did ket to the kubuntu shutting down screen and so i could see where it hangs during shut down and its at the line:
      Sending all processes the TERM signal

      thats where it hangs, still.
      All I have running is superkaramba at the time of shut down, if that helps. Any other suggestions, seems like i have made a little progress?
      &quot;Time fades even legend&quot;<br />-Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain


        Re: Will not power off!

        This has started happening to my install today.

        If I do a normal shutdown or via sudo shutdown now it immediately goes to a black screen and does nothing else. I have to hold the power button to shut it off.

        Very annoying!!



          Re: Will not power off!

          me too! ahhhh my kingdome for an answer
          &quot;Time fades even legend&quot;<br />-Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain


            Re: Will not power off!

            This happens to me, but not all the time.

            Does anyone have any suggestions at to how I might diagnose this problem?


              Re: Will not power off!

              I have this problem, too. Orginally I thought it had something to do with my video card, because Suse used to give me a garbled screen on shutdown; but my video card doesn't seem to be the issue this time...


                Re: Will not power off!

                hello.....anyone.........anyone........*bump* *bump*,, whats the deal ther is more than just three of us that have had this problem and some one has to know a fix come on guys with all the linux knowledge on this forum....
                &quot;Time fades even legend&quot;<br />-Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain


                  Re: Will not power off!

                  it might be this (in the software support forum)



                    Re: Will not power off!

                    Although I'm a complete Linux new boy, I managed to fix this, but I did a few things at the same time and don't know which one of them cured it, although I have a feeling it was reconfiguring xserver.

                    Here's what I did.

                    Upgraded to the latest KDE (not without its own problems)
                    You may choose not to do this.............

                    Reconfigure xserver, by typing the following into Konsole;

                    sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg
                    Note, when asked, choose advanced (or expert) mode and put in as much details as you can about your display etc.

                    As I said, I think this cured the problem.

                    Also, in K Menu>System Settings>Login Manager in the Shtdown tab I selected Grub in the Miscellaneous box in Boot manager. That might have helped as well.

                    Try one at a time (unlike me) and see how you get on.



                      Re: Will not power off!

                      Well, I tried deksawyer's suggestion as well as what was suggested in the link provided by devnull73, and I still get the blank screen when I shutdown or try to restart X. Hopefully someone else will have some better luck...


                        Re: Will not power off!

                        I too was having the same problem. I could reboot but not shutdown - it would hang at "Will now halt...."

                        I have found this site regarding a similiar bug in Ubuntu 6.06:

                        - which does not look like it has been addressed and maybe related to our problem with Kubuntu.

                        I seem to have fixed the problem on my box. I had both the and kernels installed - by removing the k7 kernel I seemed to have fixed the problem. I had k7 installed first but grabbed the 386 in an unrelated upgrade and wasn't paying attention to the packages. I thought the k7 kernel would better suit my box as it has an AMD Athlon XP 1400 CPU.....

                        hope this may help


                          Re: Will not power off!

                          come to think of it, this did all start after i installed and configured my linux ati proprietary driver.....hum.........
                          &quot;Time fades even legend&quot;<br />-Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain


                            Re: Will not power off!

                            I tried dsquared's suggestion, but it didn't work. This problem is definately related to Xorg...when I switched back to the "nv" driver Kubuntu shuts down fine.


                              Re: Will not power off!

                              I managed to fix this problem on my system; now my computer shuts down properly. However, it doesn't show the kubuntu splash screen when it shuts down, it just lists all the shutdown procedures in a text console.

                              To get it to work right, I added "nocrtc" and "linux vga=normal" to the boot options in grub. To do this, select the kernel you want to boot and hit "e" to edit the commands. Go to the line that begins with "kernel" on the next screen and hit "e" again to edit the commands, then just add nocrtc and linux vga=normal at the end, hit enter to apply the changes and then hit "b" to boot with those options.

                              After the options are added, the line should looking something like this:
                              kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-386 root=/dev/hda1 ro quiet splash nocrtc linux vga=normal
                              Also note that this only adds those options for this particular boot; it is not permanent. To make it permanent you'll need to edit grub.conf or however it is saved in Kubuntu..I'm not sure.

                              Hope this helps,


                              edit: You can probably get away with only using the "linux vga=normal" option. the "nocrtc" option did not make the problem go away when used by itself.

