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Kubuntu on a Dell Inspiron 1300 - a couple of questions

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    Kubuntu on a Dell Inspiron 1300 - a couple of questions

    OK, here's the deal. I have a second HD for my laptop, and I've got Windows on one and decided to install Kubuntu on the other last night, as I haven't had much experience with Linux (besides a few SSH sessions in which I mainl y either used nano to edit a HTML file, tar to unzip a file or wget to download one) and I swap the pair out as and when needed.

    Now, the problem is I can't seem to get my wifi working at all. The card in question is a Dell Wireless 1370 WLAN Mini-PCI Card. I've tried manually editing the SSID/gateway etc, but it doesn't seem to want to enable.

    iwconfig shows the ESSID and the hex key for the network I want to connect to (I did google a little) and I'd prefer to try and get it working without having to have a wired connection (ethernet port seems to be enabled, I haven't tried it yet).

    Trouble is, I obviously can't apt-get ndiswrapper-utils. Having said that, iwconfig picks up the settings ok, and the Network settings show both the wireless and the ethernet jacks fine (although the wireless shows up as eth1 ?! I thought it was supposed to be wlan0) so I'm a little stumped. I highlight eth1 and click enable but it doesn't want to come up.

    Second question:

    The display. The graphics card detects as an Intel i915, but is using the i810 driver. Also, the monitor is picking up wrongly. When I try to set it to a Dell laptop display (1280x800), and log out/restart X, it fubars and I have to set it back to the original... but it means that the 1024x768 display is stretched across the display :/ Any ideas?

    Re: Kubuntu on a Dell Inspiron 1300 - a couple of questions

    Download ndiswrapper-utils from here in windows and put it on a USB key to transfer it to Kubuntu. Install it with "dpkg -i <debfile>".



      Re: Kubuntu on a Dell Inspiron 1300 - a couple of questions

      Here's where I've probably got a bit of an advantage - I've installed ext2IFS in windows, and I have an external USB caddy for a 2.5" drive, so I can put it right into my home folder ^^ thanks though. I'm not a complete uber-newbie, but still enough to warrant asking for help :P

      Many thanks ^^

      I also did a bit more googling and found this page which shows me how to sort it out. Hopefully this'll be all I need until I run into something more technical (i.e. I know from using Kubuntu in a virtual machine that I've got a few program conflicts to work out.)


        Re: Kubuntu on a Dell Inspiron 1300 - a couple of questions

        OK, another snag. Downloaded and ran the command as detailed above, but it's asking for ndiswrapper-utils-1.1 . But obviously it isn't installed :/ and as it's a default DD install there's no gcc or make either (unless they changed that between BB and DD, BB is what I played around with in the virtual machine.)


          Re: Kubuntu on a Dell Inspiron 1300 - a couple of questions

          Its a pain I know but if you dont have an active connection I think its the only way - donwload ingthe deb files one at a time until you finally satisfy all the dependancies. On that link I posted youll find another link to ndiswrapper-utils-1.1 (with a red dot meaning is required). When you follow that youll find more red dots ...

          Is there no way you can get access to a wired connection? They tend to be much more plug and play than wifi. Your wireless router should have at least one socket for an ethernet cable that you could use.


            Re: Kubuntu on a Dell Inspiron 1300 - a couple of questions

            So your card is not integrated?

            If it IS integrated, what it the chipset?

            I also have a 1300 (B130) and to my knowledge, they only come with one of two chipsets, either an Intel or a Broadcom. The Intel was PnP for me, but I have seen topics where people have to use ndiswrapper to get the Broadcom to work properly.


              Re: Kubuntu on a Dell Inspiron 1300 - a couple of questions

              Hi, thanks for the replies.

              A_l_a_n: I managed to scrounge a Cat5 cable from a friend up here (I'm staying at my parent's for the week, hence I'm not at home in order to control things myself - I'm having to use their connection.) and have started to get ndiswrapper installed. I'm hoping it'll be on the list (I've enabled all the repositories, and installed -common and -utils, but ndiswrapper still isn't working from Konsole) after I've let Adept run it's full update.

              mr_fosi: No, it's not integrated. It's a seperate card, although it did come with the laptop (already plugged into the mini-pci slot). It's a Broadcom. I'm following the instructions in the link I posted in my previous post, but as mentioned above I'm just trying to get ndiswrapper working in Konsole first :P We'll see how this update goes.

              EDIT: It's not working. I'm trying to use ndiswrapper from Konsole, but all it's giving me is:

              darko@Kenpachi:~$ ndiswrapper
              Error: no versions of ndiswrapper found!


                Re: Kubuntu on a Dell Inspiron 1300 - a couple of questions

                Just to be clear, I dont claim to be any kind of expert on the matter. Ive just used ndiswrapper on two machines is all.

                What exactly do you mean when you say ndiswrapper isnt working from Konsole? Has it actually installed correcty? ($ which ndiswrapper)

                Oh ... wait ... I remember now that I had to build it from source. I had trouble with the binaries too. Sorry. I was getting confused with wpa_supplicant (hope you dont have to go there cos its not a nice place). Building is fairly straight forward. Again, a connection will be needed to get the source and dependancies. The ndiswrapper wiki is pretty clear I think. If you go this route remember to uninstall with adept or dpkg -P ndiswrapper (or something like that) in advance.

                Sorry I cant be much real help... Let us know how you go.


                  Re: Kubuntu on a Dell Inspiron 1300 - a couple of questions

                  Any help is better than no help.

                  I'm still having a slight problem, even using that guide. I can't do the 'make' step, it says it's missing some source or other...

                  darko@Kenpachi:~/ndiswrapper-1.21$ make
                  make -C driver
                  make[1]: Entering directory `/home/darko/ndiswrapper-1.21/driver'
                  Can't find kernel build files in /lib/modules/2.6.15-23-386/build;
                  give the path to kernel build directory with
                  KBUILD=<path> argument to make
                  make[1]: *** [prereq_check] Error 1
                  make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/darko/ndiswrapper-1.21/driver'
                  make: *** [all] Error 2


                    Re: Kubuntu on a Dell Inspiron 1300 - a couple of questions

                    Nevermind, I got it all working Using the wifi card as we speak. Now to DL Firefox, Thunderbird, Gaim, etc etc etc... all the essentials

                    Thanks for all the support though guys Nice to know this site is as friendly as it is. No doubt I'll have more questions as time goes on


                      Re: Kubuntu on a Dell Inspiron 1300 - a couple of questions

                      What did you do to get it working?


                        Re: Kubuntu on a Dell Inspiron 1300 - a couple of questions

                        I followed the instructions here. [Page translated by google]

