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How do i mount my other hard drive?

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    How do i mount my other hard drive?

    I have another hard drive (windows partitioned) that I want to access from kubuntu. When I click on the drive and go to mount it says "mount: cant find /dev/hdb1 in /etc/fstab or etc/matb Please check that the device is plugged correctly".


    Re: How do i mount my other hard drive?

    You have to change the /etc/fstab

    In this file all drives than can be mounted are listed see below:

    proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
    /dev/hdb3 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
    /dev/hdb1 /boot ext3 defaults 0 2
    /dev/hda1 /media/hda1 vfat defaults 0 0
    /dev/hda2 /media/hda2 vfat defaults 0 0
    /dev/hda4 /MijnDocumenten vfat defaults 0 0
    /dev/hdb2 /media/hdb2 reiserfs defaults 0 2

    In my case the OS is on Partition 2 of drive B (seccond drive)
    If you have only 2 drives and no partitions on the seccond you should add

    /dev/hdb /media/hdb ext3 defaults 0 2

    You must make a map in /media and call it hdb ( or anything you like but than you also have to change the seccond hdb in the line : /dev/hdb /media/hdb ext3 defaults 0 2

    ext3 should be replaced in this line by the format that is used.

    Restart and you can mount the drive.
    If you have more partitions on the drive they are called 1, 2 etc and you have to make an entry in /etc/fstab for every partition you want to acces.



      Re: How do i mount my other hard drive?

      thanks but im a little confused, this is what i have

      # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
      # <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
      proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
      /dev/hda2 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
      /dev/hda5 none swap sw 0 0
      /dev/hdc /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0

      My other drive has only 1 partition so what should i do?

      thanks again!


        Re: How do i mount my other hard drive?

        If it's a Windows partition, read this:
        Linux is ready for the desktop--but whose desktop?<br />How to install software in Kubuntu


          Re: How do i mount my other hard drive?

          Originally posted by aysiu
          If it's a Windows partition, read this:

          thanks alot!!! pretty easy to follow even for a novice


            Re: How do i mount my other hard drive?

            I am also trying to mount an NTFS formatted hard drive in Kubuntu.

            My /etc/fstab looks like:
            proc /proc proc defaults 0 0
            /dev/sda1 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro 0 1
            /dev/sda5 none swap sw 0 0
            /dev/hda /media/cdrom0 udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0
            /dev/hdc1 /mnt/windows ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 0

            Where I added the bottom line, referring to /dev/hdc1 as described in the guide at

            The disk appears in System Settings->Disks & Filesystems but is described as Disabled.

            The mount point /mnt/windows is also empty and I get the message to the effect that either /dev/hdc1 is already mounted or that /mnt/windows is busy if i try to manually mount from a command line.

            Any ideas/suggestions?



              Re: How do i mount my other hard drive?

              It looks ok to my eyes. So the only thing I can think of is this: since the entry is at the end of your fstab, you have to make sure you hit "enter" - add a newline - at the end of your entry. Fstab must have a newline at the eof (end of file).



                Re: How do i mount my other hard drive?

                I did that at first and got the obvious error message, but i have since made sure that there is a new line present.

                Thanks for your help anyway.

                If I go to System Menu->Storage Media in KDE I can see the 2 hard drives I have on the system. A SATA one which is mounted and has Kubuntu installed on it, and the new one (IDE) I am trying to mount (it has the label "Data" from when it was used in a windows box). When I click on it I just get the error message described previously.

                I can also "see" (as in detect they are present) both IDE and SATA drives by going to K Menu->System Settings->Disk & Filesystems. The NTFS IDE drive is described as "Disabled" in the Enabled column but yet the mount point in fstab is shown under the Mount point column (I assume nothing should appear for the mount point if the drive is genuinely not mounted).

                Any ideas?


                  Re: How do i mount my other hard drive?

                  Please change

                  /dev/hdc1 /mnt/windows ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 0


                  /dev/hdb1 /mnt/windows ntfs nls=utf8,umask=0222 0 0

                  hda and hda are your primary and secondary hard drives on your primary ide cable. hdc and hdd are your primary and secondary optical drives on your secondary ide cable. This may be the problem - something I overlooked before.



                    Re: How do i mount my other hard drive?

                    Yeah i wondered about that but it turns out that my 2 optical drives are on the primary IDE channel, so they are /dev/hda and /dev/hdb.

                    This hard drive I am trying to mount is the only device on the secondary IDE channel (boot drive is SATA, /dev/sda) and is set to master so it is /dev/hdc. As it only has one partition, this is /dev/hdc1.

                    Thanks for trying anyway

                    Here is a screen shot from System settings to confirm, showing all the disks/filesystems.

                    The drive I am trying to mount is the Maxtor one. Note that it claims to have a mount point at /mnt/windows. There is nothing mounted there though.

                    Also, what does the Disabled bit mean?


                      Re: How do i mount my other hard drive?

                      Here's my fstab - completely unmodified.

                      # /etc/fstab: static file system information.
                      # <file system> <mount point>  <type> <options>    <dump> <pass>
                      proc      /proc      proc  defaults    0    0
                      /dev/hdb1    /        reiserfs notail     0    1
                      /dev/hdb3    /home      reiserfs defaults    0    2
                      /dev/hda1    /media/hda1   ntfs  defaults,ro,nls=utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0    1
                      /dev/hda2    /media/hda2   vfat  defaults,utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0    1
                      /dev/hdb2    none      swap  sw       0    0
                      /dev/cdrom   /media/cdrom0  udf,iso9660 user,noauto   0    0
                      /dev/dvd    /media/cdrom1  udf,iso9660 user,noatuo   0    0
                      The switches are a little different than what you're using. Try it and see.


