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Volume label as mount point

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    Volume label as mount point

    I used to have Kubuntu Breezy installed on my desktop - and found that it would use the volume label on FAT partitions to create a mount point of the same name whenever I plugged in a USB device. This was very handy since it meant that everything would mount at the same point always.
    I've just installed Dapper on a laptop howeve, and I find that everything is getting mounted at /media/sd??
    How do I configure this behaviour in Dapper?

    I have googled around and have not been able to find a solution.
    (I am not very familiar with how HAL and udev interact though).

    Re: Volume label as mount point

    Please look at this HowTo. The part you want is entitled Built-in persistent naming schemes. Personally, having a usb hard drive and a usb zip drive, I think that's the greatest thing since the pop-top beercan.


      Re: Volume label as mount point

      Thanks for that. Is it possible to get automounting happening again?
      Also can KDE's popup thing be configured to interact with this, as it seems to just run off and mount them on /media/sda - how can I configure it to mount somewhere different?


        Re: Volume label as mount point

        Automounting: If you mean mounting on boot, enter auto in the fstab entry. If you meant mount automagically when the device is plugged in, I'm not sure.

        KDE popup: I know for a fact, because I've tried, that clicking on mount in the big square popup box either mounts in a randomly chosen /media/sd? directory or (if there is no entry) comes back with an error message about /media/sd? not being found in /etc/fstab. My usb2 backup drive and my usb1 zip drive are both always connected so I just let them mount on boot. I do have to manually umount and mount again when I change a zip disk, but I remember that at least once out of every 5 or 6 times.

        Isn't this SO MUCH better than the old (pre 2.6 kernels) dev system?


          Re: Volume label as mount point

          Yeah, I can chuck things in fstab with the auto option, I'm talking about automount on plugin.

          Sure it's better than the pre 2.6 system, but it's still worse than the last release - in breezy i could just plug my stick in and it was always automatically mounted on /media/usbdisk - didn't matter how many other things I'd mounted since reboot.


            Re: Volume label as mount point

            I think it's a function of the kernel that they're using. Breezy may have had a kernel that used devfs while Dapper's kernel is new enough that it is entirely udev.

            My comment was that I actually liked the old fashioned pre-hot-pluggable devices system, where you only had to struggle with the fstab once when you installed the system and could then forget about it until you bought a new computer with a different set of gadgets.


              Re: Volume label as mount point

              It's actually a bug in Kubuntu Dapper


                Re: Volume label as mount point

                It's been reported as a bug, I think it's a feature, maybe a misfeature of the udev system. I would think, though, that, if they had the time, the kubuntu developers could write a script to change the default behavior into something more reasonable.

