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[SOLVED] ibook touchpad tapping

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    [SOLVED] ibook touchpad tapping

    Hi, I want the touchpad tapping feature on. Judging by everything I've seen while googling this I realise I am the only person who wants it on, but anyway.

    On other distros (gentoo, opensuse, fedora) tapping on the touchpad works out of the box (and doesn't use synclient). With Kubuntu tapping seems disabled.

    Here is the relevant xorg.conf part:

    Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier   "Synaptics Touchpad"
        Driver     "synaptics"
        Option     "SendCoreEvents"    "true"
        Option     "Device"        "/dev/psaux"
        Option     "Protocol"       "auto-dev"
        Option     "HorizScrollDelta"   "0"
        Option     "LeftEdge"       "120"
        Option     "RightEdge"       "830"
        Option     "TopEdge"        "120"
        Option     "BottomEdge"      "650"
        Option     "FingerLow"       "14"
        Option     "FingerHigh"      "15"
        Option     "MaxTapTime"      "180"
        Option     "MaxTapMove"      "110"
        Option     "EmulateMidButtonTime" "75"
        Option     "VertScrollDelta"    "20"
        Option     "HorizScrollDelta"   "20"
        Option     "MinSpeed"       "0.3"
        Option     "MaxSpeed"       "0.75"
        Option     "AccelFactor"      "0.015"
        Option     "EdgeMotionMinSpeed"  "200"
        Option     "EdgeMotionMaxSpeed"  "200"
        Option     "UpDownScrolling"    "1"
        Option     "CircularScrolling"   "1"
        Option     "CircScrollDelta"    "0.1"
        Option     "CircScrollTrigger"   "2"
    and it has the right intputdevice line in serverlayout. Looking at the Option lines just now I realise the touchpad should have scrolling ability too, it doesn't. Any ideas?


    Re: ibook touchpad tapping

    I am going to attempt to help here, but keep in mind that I am kinda kubuntu newbie.

    I installed Dapper on a Sony Vaio, and wanted to turn the tapping off, so perhaps this method will help you turn tapping on.

    in my InputDevice section, I added the following:

    Option               "SHMConfig"       "on"

    That allowed me to change settings with the synclient command.
    Then, I created a script call notaps and placed it in my .kde/Autostart folder (you may need to show hidden files, because the .kde folder is hidden by default) . Here are it's contents:

    # Disable touchpad tapping
    synclient TapButton1=0
    synclient TapButton2=0
    synclient TapButton3=0
    synclient RTCornerButton=0
    synclient RBCornerButton=0

    Now, if the PowerPC version of kubuntu works like the X86 version, you should be able to replace the above zeros with ones or some other value to enable some tapping functionality. Unfortunately those are the only settings I am familiar with, perhaps someone else here can tell you more about synclient.

    After creating and saving your script, be sure to chmod it to 700.


      Re: ibook touchpad tapping

      also you can set the max tap time in milliseconds (how long your tap can be.. if you hold it down, it won't count)... 0 is disabled, anything above that (experiment a bit. i disabled it.) will enable it....

      Option "MaxTapTime" "180"
      Option "MaxTapMove" "110"

      MaxTapTime is how long you hold the tap. MaxTapMove is how far you can slide (i think in pixels...) on the pad before its not a tap.... -- some more information on this can be found here....

      Yeah i'm kindof a newb too, but i just figured this out so i'm glad i can help :-P

      Hope it helps!


        Re: ibook touchpad tapping

        Solved. With powerpc-utils I used

        trackpad tap
        and it works. I couldn't use the synclient option because I get the error:

        Can't access shared memory area. SHMConfig disabled?
        which is odd because I've enabled it in xorg.conf (and reboot). Anyway, tapping now works via powerpc-utils.


