Not sure if this should go here or the software forum since it's probably an X issue. In Breezy, the side button on the mouse where mapped to paste selection (like the mousewheel button - scrolling works fine though), but this is no longer the case in dapper. I checked xev, it says the mouse button is 9 so I upped the buttons to 10 in xorg.conf but that's as far as I've got (the mouse has 9 buttons if you count the side scrolling feature which i never use as 2, plus mousewheel forward and back). This is what I have so far in xorg.conf:
Basically I want the button to function like the mousewheel button. Any ideas?
Not sure if this should go here or the software forum since it's probably an X issue. In Breezy, the side button on the mouse where mapped to paste selection (like the mousewheel button - scrolling works fine though), but this is no longer the case in dapper. I checked xev, it says the mouse button is 9 so I upped the buttons to 10 in xorg.conf but that's as far as I've got (the mouse has 9 buttons if you count the side scrolling feature which i never use as 2, plus mousewheel forward and back). This is what I have so far in xorg.conf:
Section "InputDevice" Identifier "Configured Mouse" Driver "mouse" option "CorePointer" option "Device" "/dev/input/mice" option "Protocol" "ExplorerPS/2" option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" option "Buttons" "10" # option "Emulate3Buttons" "true" EndSection