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nVidia Linux Display Driver AMD64 Error

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    nVidia Linux Display Driver AMD64 Error

    This is the error the ADM64 nVidia installer gives me when I run it:

    ERROR: Unable to find the system utility `ld`; please make sure you have the
    package 'binutils' installed. If you do have binutils installed,
    then please check that `ld` is in your PATH.

    Here's my system specs:

    ABIT KN8 SLI mobo
    AMD Athalon64 3000+
    1GB RAM
    XFX GeForce 6800 XTreme 256 MB DDR3 Single Card
    200 GB WD SATA Hard Drive
    17" generic CRT

    I have Kubuntu 6.06 LTS Dapper Drake 64bit edition installed.

    How do I get these "binutils" or check that "ld" is in my path, whatever that means? I can't "binutils" on adept...

    This is only my second day using Dapper64 and really my first time actually using (and successfully installing to a desktop) Linux. I just want to make sure that I can get full use of my display, which is currently maxed at 1024 x 768. I'm fairly certain a 17" CRT can go higher than that. It's been a while since I've used a 17" CRT though. I'm using this one temporarily until I can get a new LCD screen.

    Re: nVidia Linux Display Driver AMD64 Error


    I thought binutils was installed by default... The package is available through adept.

    You should install build-essential too:
    Use adept or open a konsole then type: sudo apt-get install build-essential.

    Hint: check the available documentations here:


      Re: nVidia Linux Display Driver AMD64 Error

      Hmm, I think I found the that info I needed. Thanks for your help.

