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Kubuntu - PPC - Cube Install Blank Screen

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    Kubuntu - PPC - Cube Install Blank Screen

    I have a Mac cube and am trying to install Kubuntu Dapper Drake on it. I would prefer not to install Ubuntu 1st and then put in KDE support.

    I have attempted to install Kubuntu Dapper Drake several times and it always hangs which is very frustrating! What occurs is that I get the graphical Kubuntu screen and when it gets to a certian portion the screen goes completely blank.

    When installing I have tried to use the text otion and to use the video command after pressing the tab. video=ofonly text and this doesn't work.

    I am very hesitant to go back to 5.10 Kubuntu and then perform an upgrade, for the last time I did this it made my system unusable to where I couldn't even log in.

    I don't have anything special with the cube, stock cube (Trinity) with 1Gb of RAM and 32Mb ATI Video Card.

    Is anyone else trying to install Dapper Drake on PPC (Mac) out there?

    Has anyone had any success in getting this installed?
    Uhmm..... Yeah.. What he said...