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What is the best video card for Dapper Drake?

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    What is the best video card for Dapper Drake?

    I am getting ready to purchase a new video card and I am looking for some advice as to what to buy (or avoid). I am a moderate gamer, play alot with the gimp, and use my system as my DVD/CD player for the house. Anyone find any video cards that will offer great graphics with little grief?

    Re: What is the best video card for Dapper Drake?

    Definitely get an nVidia card, ATi drivers for linux are pathetic, so avoid ATi cards.
    Gimp is entirely cpu driven, so a new video card will make no difference there, but nVidia 6 and 7 series can accelarate video by taking some of the load off the cpu and i think Compiz/XGL needs to be installed to make use of that accelaration in Linux (i could be wrong). Games will benefit the most from a new video card, so if you're into new games like Quake 4 or Unreal 2004 then i'd say maybe a Geforce 6600, 6800GS or a 7600, but it depends on your budget and on your computer specs. That's a rough overview of what i'd recomend, but knowing your specs and budget i could help you out more.


      Re: What is the best video card for Dapper Drake?

      I am running a Celeron 2.4 (socket 478, may upgrade to a HT CPU though) on an MSI 865 Neo_2P mobo, 512 MB DDR ram, Audigy LS, and a (very irritating) ATI 9600se 128mb AGP, and an HP p1100 21" monitor.

      I don't believe my Motherboard supports PCI-E (although I could be wrong i am not that familiar with that particular interface), so i'm limited to 4x/8x AGP.
      I'm looking to spend around $150 USD,


        Re: What is the best video card for Dapper Drake?


        if you don't mind shopping online, try and you can set your $$ range. They have the same stuff as Fry's. If there is a Fry's nearby, they can even get it to you fast!

        BTW I don't work there...



          Re: What is the best video card for Dapper Drake?

          I think I'm going to go with the 256 Mb geforce 6600 (it seems to be the last model in the line to support AGP). Seems to be have everything I need, Plus some HD features I might enjoy, and hardware Mpeg-2 decoding. has several listed at around $100 so the price is right to. Thanks for all of your help!


            Re: What is the best video card for Dapper Drake?

            I also had only AGP as an Option, and I went for the Nvidia 7800GS, this is an excellent card, plays all games I tried so far including Oblivion, which was he reason for changing gfx card.

            And it also installs fine in Kubuntu, althought it had some issues with detecting my monitor, but after setting it manually it runs perfect.


              Re: What is the best video card for Dapper Drake?

              Get N-Vidia Radeons are the sorriest cards on the market
              Mine dosent work good with windows either
              My next card WILL BE an N-Vidia


                Re: What is the best video card for Dapper Drake?

                ok there is no best although nvidia is more supported in linux i would still highly and more recommend ATi resons behind this lies

                Ati is better and more effiecent u get more for what you pay
                Nvidia burns in wrong and can overheat easy and stop functioning or give less proformance then it already does

                all in all its upto you but the ATi drivers work fine and are easy enough to get working i got it working in less then 5 minutes


                  Re: What is the best video card for Dapper Drake?

                  Originally posted by vem0m
                  Ati is better and more effiecent u get more for what you pay
                  Your experience seems to be different from a lot of others. I have an ATI 9600 that has been a major pain in the butt. I just installed a fresh copy of Edgy in a few minutes and then wasted a bunch of hours trying every different suggestion for getting the darn flgx (or whatever) driver to work right.

                  If anything would send me back to Windows, it would be the headaches in getting decent video support. I want to buy another card that will be well supported, but I'm not a gamer and can't afford to spend a lot. But I do want decent acceleration (the OpenGL screen savers should work smoothly).

                  I also like the digital and analog outputs of my current card.

                  Do you (anyone reading this) have a suggestion of a specific card?

                  Lane Lester
                  The Web Doctor


                    Re: What is the best video card for Dapper Drake?

                    There are 2 - yes 2 drivers for Nvidia cards, and they both work. The glx driver is easy to install and provides good 3d acceleration.

                    ATI has 5 gazillion drivers. If you get lucky and install one that works with your card the first time you got it. If you pick the wrong one it's a complete bork and reinstall of Kubuntu and try another driver.

                    Each of the 5 gazzilion drivers has at least 3 how tos, and not a one of them are anything like all the rest.

                    Every time there is a kernel upgrade you have to reinstall the video drivers.

                    Go with Nvidia. :-)


                      Re: What is the best video card for Dapper Drake?

                      Originally posted by podunk
                      There are 2 - yes 2 drivers for Nvidia cards, and they both work. The glx driver is easy to install and provides good 3d acceleration.

                      ATI has 5 gazillion drivers. If you get lucky and install one that works with your card the first time you got it. If you pick the wrong one it's a complete bork and reinstall of Kubuntu and try another driver.
                      Well, I wondered about that. I just installed my 2nd gazillionth ATI driver by building the deb. It provides fast manipulation of the desktop, although the GLX screensavers still don't work (unimportant to me).

                      I see has the eVGA E-geforce 7600GS 256MB with Fan for $120 and the eVGA e-GeForce 7600 GT CO 256MB PCI-Express 256-P2-N553-AX for $150. I'm not eager to spend that much to get pretty screensavers, but neither am I eager to go through all the headaches the next time I upgrade Kubuntu.

                      Also I have no idea of how to decide between the different cards. What makes the GT $30 more valuable than the GS?

                      And how noisy are those fans? My fairly new HP is the quietest desktop I've ever had, and I don't want to put a screamer in there.

                      Lane Lester
                      The Web Doctor

