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Problem with screen resolution and refresh rate

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    Problem with screen resolution and refresh rate

    I am using Dapper with an old Belinea monitor and a Trident videocard. My system should work with 800x600 screen at 85Hz and 24bit color depth, however I cannot set it to work that way. I have tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but it didn't solve my problem - unlike in Breezy.

    What else is there to do? Or if I manually edit the xorg.conf file, what changes should I make there?

    Re: Problem with screen resolution and refresh rate

    when you ran the reconfigure, which "simplicity-level" - option did you choose for your monitor-configuration. try something like "medium" and set your refresh-rates manually...

    could you post your xorg.conf file?


      Re: Problem with screen resolution and refresh rate

      Since that I've already fixed it. I think the problem was that Kubuntu didn't recognize my monitor (unlike Suse, for example). First I started looking for the monitor's paperwork which I put somewhere 7 years ago but I couldn't find it, and then I started a hopeless tampering with the hardver tab in the display window when I saw that I can manually choose my monitor type. So I did that, logged out, restarted the xserver and now it's working.

      I chose medium because I didn't know the hor syncc/vert refresh info. I selected 800x600@85Hz but it didn't do it. This was because of the non-detected monitor, wasn't it?

      Another strange thing that in Breezy I had the same issue, but there a combination of answers in sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg worked well.


        Re: Problem with screen resolution and refresh rate

        When you set the refresh rate at 85mhz you short the live of CRT monitors.
        The life of a CRT moniotr can be up to 9 years if you do not set the refresh rate to 85 hz,
        will cut the life in half.
        It is recommanded to set it between 70 to 75 hz.
        I only set at 85 hz for users that see the flicker at 75 or below.

        I help support over 4000 PCs/Laptops, most of them that die before the 5 year life cycle are the one that someone has set the refresh rate at 85 hz

        Good Luck


          Re: Problem with screen resolution and refresh rate

          I see your point. I spend a lot of time working on my computers and the flickering screen really bothers my eyes even after a couple of minutes. I bought this monitor in 1999, so it has done 7 years of service and now it's on my secondary computer. But anyway, I'm planning to get an LCD monitor instead of it.

          Thanks for your help!

