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Video gone Wonky(Solved)

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    Video gone Wonky(Solved)

    Ok, I am working with a fresh install of Dapper, dual-booted with Windows on an Acer Aspire 3000LCI.

    I had everything up and running, had made a few minor tweaks to the OS, and was ready to roll. I closed the lid of my laptop, and carried it to another area of my house. I opened the lid, woke the laptop up, and was greeting with completely messed up video.

    Imagine taking your screen, squashing it down, duplicating the input, slicing it into hundreds of horizontal slices, and then shuffling those slices like a deck of cards. That's what my screen looked like.

    I rebooted, thinking it was some hibernation related bug. The initial boot screen made me think I was OK. But once the X server started, it was right back to the hosed display.

    Does anyone know how to fix this? It took me about 2 hours to get Dapper setup the way I wanted, I'd hate to think I had to start over again just because I closed my laptop lid.

    Re: Video gone Wonky

    I suspect that the "minor tweaks" that you made before hibernating the laptop were the problem, rather than closing the lid. Before you closed the lid, the xserver was operating in the mode in which it had been when your session started. When you opened the lid, the xserver restarted and found itself in an unstable condition.

    Login into rescue mode (second entry on GRUB menu). Then run the command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" from the full screen black and white text console that comes up. If possible, try to learn the Horizontal Sync frequency range of your panel before you start. You can use 50 or 60 Hz (depending on where you are) for the vertical refresh rate, but you really should know your horizontal sync rate for best results when reconfiguring the xserver.


      Re: Video gone Wonky


      I figured it was my xorg.conf file, but I couldn't figure out how to edit it without being logged in via the GUI! Once I followed your directions, I used the "Medium" configuration settings level (this apparently presents only some config options, not all.) and selected my proper screen geometry as the default. Rebooted and everything works again.

      Thanks again!

